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Rising Stars: Meet Rona Johnson

Today we’d like to introduce you to Rona Johnson

Hi Rona, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
I began to pursue my career in entertainment at the end of 2018 when I moved to Tokyo with a single suitcase and all of my savings from working jobs since middle school. I always knew I wanted to become a model since I was about five years old and I felt waiting for that opportunity would only cost me so making the move was an easy decision. After several months of development, I debuted as a professional model in 2019 right when the first wave of Covid-19 hit. I was unable to book many jobs that first year due to productions turning to animations instead of hiring real people for their talent and I had to work as a freelancer and pick up odd jobs when I could.

After about 3 years with my first modeling agency, I decided it was time to leave once I discovered they were withholding and not disclosing details of my contract and funds properly. I moved back to the United States with the hope of moving back to Tokyo and joining new management – however, my first agency refused to sign the contract to terminate my contract and my original contract wouldn’t be expired until after another year. With everything going on, I decided to continue living in Los Angeles and take a step back from modeling to recover mentally, work on overcoming the disordered eating I developed from modeling, and take a few acting lessons.

As a naturally more introverted person, acting was something I never envisioned myself pursuing. But after my first few classes, I saw a dramatic change in the person I was becoming. I felt passionate about challenging myself to overcome my lifelong battle with stage fright, I began to explore myself on a deeper emotional level, and it felt like I was becoming more confident overall.

It’s been two years since I moved back to Los Angeles, and I’ve now acted in several short films, features, and student productions – as well a write, direct, and film my own. I’ve competed in film festivals with my own films, and most notably, I won Best Actress at the Top Shorts Film Festival in July 2024.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Definitely not.

One of the biggest struggles I faced at the beginning of both my modeling and acting career was financial security. I don’t have a stable paycheck coming in every month. I am only paid for what I book, and getting to that point takes a considerable amount of acting lessons, coaches, networking, self-funded projects, and auditioning every day.

I remember how when I first began modeling in Japan, I would try to save money in any way that I could. I would get off a station before mine and walk an extra thirty minutes in the snow at midnight just to save a dollar and forty cents, or I would eat every other day to save on groceries. There was a time when I gave myself a weekly food budget of ten dollars by eating half a pack of fermented natto, 40 grams of rice, and 1/4 of an egg for my meals. Back when I was strictly modeling only, I would tell myself that saving money on food was good because it meant I would also be skinny enough for my castings.

Of course, now I don’t have to watch my finances as strictly as I did back then, and having gone through that experience, I realize how resilient and strong-willed I could be, as well as gratitude for all I have now.

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I am a half-Japanese model, actress, and filmmaker based in Los Angeles and Tokyo.

Sometimes as a creative, it’s hard for me to answer the “what do you do” questions because I just do…everything. Part of being a creative and an artist is the love of creating anything really, or at least for me that’s how it is. I direct photoshoots for campaigns, I write and produce short films, I still model for many Asian brands and am planning another modeling work trip abroad, and I audition and act in all kinds of films.

As for my own projects, I would say the films I write and direct are mostly dark comedy, satire, and social commentary. Filmmaking is something very new to me, and I currently have a few shorts coming up that are lined up to be filmed and edited within the next few months.

I find that a lot of the people I’ve met have great ideas, and lack execution and follow-through, so I would say that’s something that I feel sets me apart from a good chunk of people. It’s unfortunate because so many people have amazing million-dollar-worthy ideas, and I hope those people find it in themselves to bring those ideas to life one day. You never know what might change your life, you know?

We’d love to hear about any fond memories you have from when you were growing up?
I know it doesn’t look like it, but I’m a really big outdoorsy-kind of person.

My dad would take me camping, hiking, surfing, out on his boat, etc. I also had these two dogs, Rusty and Scampi, but they were strictly outdoor dogs at the time. Being a kid, I wanted them to be indoor dogs and to have them sleep in my bed with me so my dad would set up a tent and sleeping bag for me in the backyard with some snacks and a flashlight and I would have a little sleepover in the tent with my dogs.

I think people are a bit surprised when I tell them how often I hike or camp since I wasn’t able to back when I modeled in Japan due to getting a tan or sunburn, but being in nature is something I realized helps me feel at ease and heals me. Sometimes I would find myself lying in the grass as a kid to calm down, and I feel even as an adult, I tend to revert back to relaxing in nature.

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Image Credits
Will Akana
Rona Johnson

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