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Rising Stars: Meet Irena Reedy of West Hollywood

Today we’d like to introduce you to Irena Reedy

Hi Irena, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
Originally from Canberra, Australia, LA was always my dream. I remember early years of high school googling jobs for my parents out there so we could all move over… Obviously, that didn’t pan out. I started acting when I was 10 years old, while also gearing up to start my move towards training at an Olympic level for gymnastics. My parents told me I had to make a choice, so acting it was. And I am so grateful to have my family’s support with me since day one.

In grade 12, my dad came home and told us we had an opportunity as a family to move to Washington, DC for a couple of years, and when I say I JUMPED, I LEAPED at the idea of moving to the States. I knew it would bring me that much closer to finally making my dreams a reality.

Christmas of 2013, we moved to the US, and the year ahead of us was far from anything I’d dreamt. It was challenge after challenge, not the glitz and glam I thought it would be, but I knew I had to keep going.

In 2015, I moved out to Chicago for two years to study the arts at DePaul University. As much as I loved Chicago, I knew it was only a chapter in my story. In 2016, I moved to New York City to study at the world-renowned Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute. I then felt ready to tackle Los Angeles and traveled there in 2017 to do a two-month course at Stella Adler Academy of Acting – and I never left.

Living in LA has definitely not been easy – there is a grind and hustle that isn’t glamorous and pretty. It’s the literal definition of blood, sweat, and tears. But the hard work and moments of wanting to give up have never outweighed my love for this city and my love for acting and filmmaking – to me, it’s all worth it. The magic is beyond anything I could ever imagine.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
No journey worth taking is smooth sailing. There are constant challenges and obstacles along the way that make you stronger and give you a greater understanding of the bigger picture. Whether it’s been dealing with visas, a pandemic, or even health setbacks, these moments have thankfully been temporary. Without the support and love of my family and friends, I wouldn’t have found the strength and courage to continue pursuing my life here.
These challenges make the moments of success and my wins so much more beautiful because not only was I able to achieve them, but I have a team to celebrate with.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I am a filmmaker and actress. I love to tell stories that challenge stereotypes, especially when it comes to mental health and women’s empowerment. I want to be someone young women and filmmakers can look up to – someone I wish I had growing up. There is such a stigma around mental health, especially in Australia where it is still quite taboo. Being a voice to start the conversation and normalize it is something I feel very passionate about.

I am known for my short film “Another Story,” which is about navigating through challenging relationship dynamics while also struggling with mental health. In March 2020, my director and creative partner Ashlyn Pearce and I were scheduled to film a completely different script called “Picture Perfect,” but the week we were meant to film was the week that COVID put Los Angeles in lockdown. My mental health rapidly declined during this time, and I experienced a lot of shame around not feeling worthy of love or the life I was living. It has been a lot for me to unpack and something that I still continue to work on every day.

I wanted to bring normality to these feelings and start a conversation – mental health illnesses increased over 200% since 2020, and I felt a duty to myself and others to be someone who others could look to for support. I want people to know they have a community, even in their loneliest and ugliest moments. I wrote a rough draft and brought it to Ashlyn Pearce (my director and co-writer), and after several hours of rewrites and an entire writing retreat, we found our final script for “Another Story.” We were so proud of ourselves because we felt like we had achieved the dialogue we wanted to convey – there is no “good guy or bad guy.” Life is a rollercoaster. It’s messy, it’s complicated, and sometimes, there are no easy answers.

What I am most proud of is making younger Irena’s dreams a reality. I am living in the city I dreamed about since I was 12. I am following the passion and career I wanted since I was 12. Unfortunately, not many people get to say that for themselves, but I’m one of the lucky ones that gets to. Not to say my life has been pure luck – I have definitely put in the hard yards and made numerous sacrifices and faced personal hardships, but I am so proud of myself for having the resilience, determination, and heart to make acting my reality.

I feel what sets me apart from others is my heart and drive. I love life, I love what I do, and I love being alive. This world offers us so many great opportunities, relationships, and challenges that make us whole. I am who I am not only because of my passion for acting and filmmaking but also because of the friendships and relationships I hold close to me – they are my grounding and soundboard on the best and worst days. I am driven because not only do I believe in myself, but those around me also believe in me. L.A can be known as a very lonely and hard city to live in, but I am fortunate enough to be surrounded by creative, kind, wonderful, supportive, like-minded people who make this city feel like home.

Where do you see things going in the next 5-10 years?
The industry is definitely changing, and there will continue to be challenges along the way. Some will be harder than others, but there will always be a place for us to tell stories, make movies, and evoke deep and meaningful emotions in people. Whether it’s delivering a strong, impactful message that challenges society and brings awareness, or allowing people to lose themselves in a romcom or horror movie for two hours, we will always crave cinema and stories.

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Image Credits
Nick Brightman
Kathy Rosario
Michael Solomon
Ashlyn Pearce

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