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Meet Paul Preston of The Movie Guys in Burbank

Today we’d like to introduce you to Paul Preston.

So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
I love movies. Like, it’s weird.

From my dad taking me to see STAR WARS and changing my life (for everyone who has that story about what a transformative experience it was – they’re not lying!) to watching indie films in my living room, movies have always been a huge part of my life. Comedy has also been important to me, it’s how my wife and I got together and it’s my life motto (“The bit above all things”).

Now as an adult (according to the math), I have combined movies and comedy at I wrote movie reviews and articles in high school and college and when the internet took off, the opportunity to house my mad movie fandom in one place was tempting, so I started

I gathered a band of like-minded freaks and expanded the ways we could express our love of America’s greatest export, so now at the website, you’ll find tons of content, going back to 2009:
– Reviews
– Articles
– Videos – red carpets, movie previews and reviews, comedy shorts
– Podcasts – over 200 episodes, including hundreds of special guest comedians and moviemakers
– Clips from our live shows in Hollywood (where we ran for two years)
– Interviews with filmmakers, comedians, actors and more

There’s a lot going on because… did I mention I love movies? I can pretty much tell you the date and what day of the week it is any day of the year based on what movies have come out that weekend and whether the grosses are final or not. Told you it was weird

The website is expanding now into more styles of YouTube movie-related videos, and I’m working on my first book based on the podcasting experience.

Has it been a smooth road?
Finding our voice wasn’t so hard. I collaborated with great people including my wife, Karen Volpe, fellow comics Adam Witt, Steve Scholz and Bart Kias, plus writers Ray Schillaci, Justin Bowler and Mary Gent. Our angle ranged from goofy to cerebral, but we proudly shot for and often connected with being unique. The writers had a specific take and our comedy show and podcast delivered up original comedy material every week that had a late-night comedy show-style riff on that week’s new movies.

What’s hard is finding the audience in a crowded online entertainment field. Some episodes would take off, some would struggle. Our live shows would be an unmatched hour of original comedy, but a sell-out only meant fifty people watching the really hard work we put into the show. The jump to online expanded that audience dramatically, but there’s an elusiveness to the faceless people out there who you just have to hope watch your stuff, and retaining consistent audience numbers is always a chore.

But when we hit, it’s one of the most satisfying rewards of my career. It’s like golf – one good drive brings you back for another eighteen holes.

So, as you know, we’re impressed with The Movie Guys – tell our readers more, for example what you’re most proud of as a company and what sets you apart from others.
There are a negativity and rampant cynicism that’s taking over movie fandom online. I believe the anonymity of the internet has something to do with it, also there’s an entitlement that probably builds within the fans once they get close to the talent via social media and convention appearances.

At The Movie Guys, we love movies. We started every podcast with those words, so make no mistake our goofing on industry trends and Hollywood big-wigs is done for fun’s sake. If you’re looking for a break from the videos that lead with titles like ‘Why ________ sucks” or “10 Things Wrong With _______”, come on over to We goof because we love.

We also pride ourselves on a deep understanding of the movies, too. You can’t goof unless you can be taken seriously for your knowledge, so we try and stay on top of everything.

Let’s touch on your thoughts about our city – what do you like the most and least?
This is the entertainment epicenter of the world! This is where movies live and breathe!

It’s really, really odd to go to other states. It turns out people don’t just talk about movies all the time. WEIRD.

Also, I like that we can give directions based on movies. “You go down to that building Riggs jumped off of, take a left and head down until you see Nakatomi Plaza. The mall’s on your right.”

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Getting in touch: VoyageLA is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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