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Meet Elizabeth Polito

Today we’d like to introduce you to Elizabeth Polito.

Elizabeth, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
I grew up in Buffalo, NY, and began studying dance when I was 6. I loved everything about it! At eight years old, my mother took me downtown to see the National Tour of the musical Annie. It changed my life forever. That magical feeling as the overture began. The music, the passion, the laughter. The connection between people on stage and off. Watching the audience transform and seeing people invest in the story, tap into their emotions, laugh, cry, and look at life differently. It woke me up. I became truly inspired by watching these transformations happen up close and personal. I wanted to do that!!

I didn’t realize it until years later, but my fascination with the stage was all about energy. Electricity. Life-force. It would have an impact that would guide the rest of my life.

This was the beginning of my love affair with the theatre. From that moment on, I began performing in local musicals, and my parents (God bless them!) drove me all over town to lessons, rehearsals, and performances. From grade school to middle school to high school, I was hooked.

I double majored in Theatre and Dance in College, and it was at this time that I started to become aware of my own energy, on stage and in life. My nerves before a performance, my anxiety with auditions, and my body tensions that arose when stress was high. All these feelings seemed so hard to manage, and yet I knew I had to find a balance for them.

Movement was the key. I was dancing hours and hours a day, but there was still some build up of energy within me. When I found Yoga in an acting class, I had a major breakthrough. I discovered that by moving the body in a conscious way, coupled with conscious breath, I had power and mastery over my feelings and my energy.

After college, I moved to New York City to pursue my dreams. I performed in numerous regional productions and was blessed to perform on Broadway and in National and International Tours. I had to learn very quickly how to manage my energy and nervous system. There were high stakes at auditions, and my life was often filled with long audition days with large amounts of people. It was imperative that I learned to keep my nerves at bay while waiting hour after hour before my group was up to sing or dance. I began to understand how powerful my thoughts were. My mind had the power to affect my emotional well-being at every turn.

In 2000, my life changed forever when my sister was in a serious car accident. She was 34 weeks pregnant, and she sustained injuries to her abdomen. My infant niece, Sarah Grace, did not survive. My world was rocked, and I began to question everything. What was I even doing here? What’s the point? What is the higher purpose of all of it?

I became deeply interested in energy and spirituality and started reading and studying everything that I could get my hands on. I mentored with a coach and began working with other performers on mastering our unconscious thoughts, as well as principles of higher awareness. I became a certified Yoga Instructor and received certifications in multiple healing modalities, such as Resonance Repatterning, Reconnective Healing, Matrix Energetics, the Akashic Records, and more.

Things began unfolding in the healing direction, and I found great joy in guiding transformation in a new medium. I started understanding that all of my work as a performer had prepared me in such profound ways for the new wholistic healing work I was offering.

My life became a road map for helping myself and others. I could guide them away from fear, away from anxiety, and into their power and their purpose. This was exciting!

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
Absolutely not! Haha! The journey has had twists and turns, and has had so many peaks and valleys!

My biggest challenge has always been altering my own perception. The idea that I “should be” doing something a certain way or that my life is “supposed to be…” was holding me back. That simply wasn’t true. I was always learning something valuable that helped me to evolve in some way.

Once I could shift my perspective and view my challenges as opportunities for growth, I found greater peace. I was able to shift to a space of gratitude. It didn’t happen overnight. It was a process. It is a process. An every day, every moment practice that requires consistency, diligence, and patience. I get to do my own work on “me” so that I can show up and serve others and the most humble way possible.

We’d love to hear more about your work and what you are currently focused on. What else should we know?
I am a wholistic healer and higher awareness coach. I’m passionate about empowering others in their journey toward personal transformation.

To me, wholistic means taking into consideration the “whole” being, so we use the body, the thoughts, the emotions, and the energetic/spiritual aspects to address any challenges. Sessions help clients shift and transform any negative beliefs or stories that are holding them back. This allows them to feel much more peace, happiness, and abundance in their lives. Every session is customized to the individual or group, at the moment, and I work in person as well as online at a distance.

My clients include those experiencing major life transitions, those who are caretakers, as well as busy go-getters who fall into the habit of overwhelm and letting their own self-care suffer. Some of my favorite clients are animals and their humans, as we work together to explore the profound energetic connection and lessons between owners and their pets.

I’m especially proud of the work I have done with the non-profit Further Shore, providing pre-hospice healing support to those facing terminal diagnosis and end of life concerns. There is no greater honor than to support an individual in living well and dying with dignity.

Any shoutouts? Who else deserves credit in this story – who has played a meaningful role?
My family and Friends. Every single teacher I’ve had, in the creative arts as well as the healing arts, have supported me in becoming who I am. I also like to credit “fear”, “stress”, and “discontent” for helping me to grow, to learn, to take risks, to evolve, to feel, and to leap without a net.


  • Customized Private Healing Session- $150
  • Private Yoga/Yoga Nidra- $125

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Getting in touch: VoyageLA is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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