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Meet E.N Studio

Today we’d like to introduce you to E.N Studio.

Nancy Li

Hi Nancy, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
Hi! I’m Nancy and I am a co-founder of E.N STUDIO located in the heart downtown Los Angeles, we are a DIY jewelry studio, thank you for this wonderful opportunity to share my story! Echo and I met as classmates when we both were studying jewelry design at FIDM in downtown LA. To be frank, we didn’t foresee us to be future business partners when we first met. As we share very different tastes in our perspective design fields. Her designs can be seen as very freestyle, bold, eye catching with colors and stone designs, she is also a master in CAD (Computer aided designs), meanwhile my designs are very organic, minimal shaped and delicate. My master technique is wax carving.

As we reconnected after we graduated, we both realized we shared an envision to bring jewelry to a more broader audience, especially those who don’t have a jeweler’s background but have a creative touch or just simply a love of art and like to get hands-on in trying new experiences. We wanted our clients to have a space where they can feel comfortable to come to and enjoy an experience that is meaningful and memorable.

Step by step, we began our journey to bring our envision to life; we started looking for a studio space, allocating the permits we needed, and gathering our resources. Let me tell you, it was quite the journey!

A year and a half later, after meeting almost 600+ clients, we have now built a community of artists, future jewelers, passionate learners, and creative artists!

We have expanded our studio to offer many different types of classes and have been visited by many return clients. We’ve inspired clients to change their career paths and pick up a newfound hobby! We now also had the honor of an in-house designer joining our team, which opened up the channel for custom orders and fine jewelry. We are also currently looking for more instructors to join our team; this is wonderful news for us as the demand for our classes is high!

We are really proud of how far our small studio has come since we first opened our doors in December of 2022. We look forward to what 2024 has in store for us and our clients.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
Definitely not; we’ve met with many obstacles along the way.

The most memorable would be when we were looking for studio space; we had the unfortunate experience of running into racist and sexist landlords that treated us with unfairness and judgment as we were two Asian female business owners.

Another memorable one would be one time a customer refused to pay after we had provided her with our class and our instructor services. When we refused to let her take her rings without payment, she threatened to leave us a bad review, verbally disrespected us, and threatened she would destroy our small studio.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
We are independent jewelry designers who have a background in the creative industry.

Echo has a passion for architecture and specializes in CAD design. She draws inspiration from her surroundings and her favorite contemporary artist, Yayoi Kusama.

I have a background in fashion design and psychology. I’m inspired by nature and round organic shapes; my designs are minimal and delicate but bold in lines and shape. I specialize in traditional wax carving techniques.

We see that our passion for sharing our skillset with others is what sets us apart from others in similar industries as us. Many have a misconception or stigma to share their skillset with others as some may see it as competition, we do have those concerns however we believe that, there is always room for creativity to spark and there is always enjoyment is sharing your passion with others.

When we see our clients leaving the studio with bright smiles, admiring the piece they just made, it really makes our whole day worth it.

Can you share something surprising about yourself?
It’s always a surprise to our clients when we tell them most jewelry nowadays is printed with 3D wax and cast. They always seem to be shocked at the fact that something that is handmade can take up to 8 hours or days to finish.

It’s very fun to see how clients react when they see how fast we can polish and finish a piece right in front of their eyes.


  • Couple ring class starts at $280
  • Ring class per person starts at $145
  • Wax carving per person starts at $150
  • Creative design class $140
  • Workshops (seasonal) start at per person $100

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