Today we’d like to introduce you to Anthony Flores.
Thanks for sharing your story with us Anthony. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
Of course, so I started my journey in visual arts while in college. The first class I ever took was a class about the history of photography, this class for most people was just another throwaway elective. I quickly found out that I was the only person in that room that was mesmerized by the work of Cindy Sherman and Roy DeCarava. In terms of what I wanted to do, I thought photography was it for me honestly. Within a year or so I grew to understand other mediums for image making such as painting, collaging and then graphic design. I never really took graphic art seriously since about a year ago. What really shaped my opinion on it was the Internship I received at Snapchat. They held a Design Academy with the support of Bixel Exchange.
That I was lucky enough to be apart of during the summer. I never would’ve thought that something like making art would have me in rooms with CEO’s and founders of company’s. I quickly became aware of what power visual art has on communities especially in Los Angeles, It’s almost magical. As of right now, I’m blessed to be an intern for Troy Carter & Suzy Ryoo at Q&A. Taking a deep dive in the music business during the Covid pandemic has humbling to say the least. As for how I got here, I would say by not taking no as an answer and soaking up as much game as I can from anyone I can. I carry this mindset forever.
Has it been a smooth road?
While trying to pursue this design career in the last two years, I also was dealing with the loss of two family members that I was extremely close with. Emotionally I was going through it but physically, I had to perform at the highest level. Sometimes ignoring the reality of what was going on around me.
We’d love to hear more about your work and what you are currently focused on. What else should we know?
I am a freelance graphic artist! I specialize in image making and video production. I am probably more known for the music/video work as far as being a designer goes but I also have been working on merchandising as of late. I believe what sets me apart of others is that I only really work with people I want to work with. If it doesn’t feel right, I don’t feel the need to extend myself.
How do you think the industry will change over the next decade?
In the next five years, I see the need for designers going up. This comes as no surprise though, the need for content has always been there, and I see it exploding quickly. Not only will it be needed for original content but for every social media outlet there will be somebody in need of a designer big or small.
Contact Info:
- Website: anthonyjflores.com
- Instagram: @anthonyjflores
Image Credit:
All are mine except the photo of me was taken by @_bcvisuals
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