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Life & Work with Davida Rappaport

Today we’d like to introduce you to Davida Rappaport

Hi Davida, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
How did I get started and how did I get to where I am today? Those are good questions. I’ll try to keep it short and sweet — I’ll start with my first paid booking as a Tarot reader when I lived in Chicago. I attended a singles mixer and learned that the organizers were planning a Halloween party the following week. Being a gutsy, twenty-something-year old, I told the organizers I read Tarot cards and asked them to hire me. They did and I made a whopping $20 for 4 hours of my time. I don’t think I really knew what I was doing back then, but apparently what I did made an impression. They subsequently hired me to do Tarot readings at a 30th birthday party the following February because someone’s brother liked what I did. That was my second booking. At some point later that year, someone called me for a private appointment because they had a reading from me at that birthday party and I predicted something that came true, No clue what I told them.

I did a few bookings here and there until I learned how to market myself. Then, I worked a lot of private and corporate parties until my move to Los Angeles in 1994. After purchasing a mailing list (pre-Internet), I introduced myself to event planners and purchased a booth at a few Whole Life Expos. That what how I reinvented myself (or started over) in Los Angeles.

What is important to me is to be honest, ethical, show up on time, and give my all. When I provide a service — whether I am reading Tarot cards, palms, seashell, lipstick prints or handwriting, it is important to me to make sure every reading I perform resonates with the recipient. If I do that, then I helped contribute to making someone’s event successful.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Oh my gosh! I like to think of my road the same way I view life — like a roller coaster — never dull or boring. There were times when things went smoothly like butter, and there were times when I sat down and cried. (Yes, I did and still do cry — I’m sensitive and this is one of the downsides of being psychic.) There are many times I ask myself, “How do I navigate things beyond my control?” When I get past my own emotions and pull it together, I look at other options and rise again. I’m resourceful. When I am patient, ideas and options present themselves. I’ve become very good at looking at options and possibilities.

Some struggles I have had? Here’s three examples.

1) The first example involved an answering service. When I first moved to Los Angeles, I leased a trunk line with an answering service. Unbeknownst to me, after five or six years, I learned they didn’t pay their phone bills so I lost my “phone number” and there went my years of marketing and promotion. Yes, I heard the joke, “You’re a psychic, you should have known.” That was something I could not have foreseen — that was too far into the future to “know.”

2) The second example involved a paging/voicemail service I used after the answering service fiasco. I leased a voicemail “phone number” and a pager from them. Everything went well until the pager decided to not page me every time someone left me a voicemail. How did I know this? I had a vibe to check my voicemail and found a message that was a few days old. I ditched the pager and the service was able to forward calls to my cell phone. A little over a year later, I had an odd vibe again. I called my voicemail and my number was not working. No, I didn’t see this coming either, but I felt something was off. The answering service migrated to a new platform and did not migrate my leased number. My phone number was “gone.” I declined an offer for a new number and I started using my cell phone number and never looked back. The good news was, this time, I could email people to let them know my phone number changed.

3) The Pandemic. This was an amazing gift because it changed everything. I thanked Santa Monica College because they suggested I teach my Tarot classes online with Zoom. Since then, I teach Tarot online and I also do readings online and work events online. I no longer see private clients privately in my home or do phone appointments. I like the freedom and visibility that Zoom provides — and we can also record the session. Sweet.

Every obstacle I encounter presents a challenge. I rose and continue to rise to the occasion, trust my gifts, keep reinventing myself (whenever necessary), and revamping the way I do things. There will always be obstacles and challenges. I hope to be able to navigate them more quickly in the future.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I’m a psychic who basically works events, teaches Tarot and sometimes sees private clients. OK, I did work for an online psychic webchat in the past –it was toxic. In my opinion, if someone wants a psychic, it is always best to ask for a referral so you know you are getting someone good.

Throughout my career as a psychic I also worked in many different types of “day” jobs — mostly in administrative positions. My most fun job was working as a word processor in a marketing agency where I made lifelong friends, learned to market, and was exposed to tremendously creative people. My last 20+ years were spent as a legal secretary — I learned how important it is to read and understand legal documents. I recommend hiring an attorney if you receive a contract that may need to be reviewed and/or negotiated. All of my day jobs taught me important lessons and I have been able to use everything I learned.

I am known for being a down-to-earth psychic who provides, entertainment, enlightenment and empowerment. Whether I read Tarot cards (my favorite), palms, seashells, lipstick or handwriting, I basically “read” people and touch their lives. I bring fun and a box of tissues to every event. I’m very proud that some of the readings I do bring people to tears (in a good way). When I am able to tell someone something that touches them that deeply, I know I have succeeded in my job. Hearing people tell me, “You were spot on.” is very fulfilling. Then I know I am doing the work I am supposed to do with divine guidance.

What makes me different from others who do the same work that I do, I think it’s my personality (which can be outrageously fun — or not), my people skills, and the way I do what I do. We are all unique. I have mileage, life experience, and decades doing this work. This is one career where age really is an advantage.

What would you say have been one of the most important lessons you’ve learned?
I learned many important lessons at various stages of my life. I’ll share the two biggest lessons that always serve me well.

My father instilled in me the importance of being of good character and that your reputation is more important than money. He was right. Being honorable goes farther than money because money comes and goes. He was a very wise man and a little bit of a character himself.

Another valuable lesson I learned is the importance of building and maintaining strong, healthy relationships with people. You must work and play well with others because giving and receiving referrals are priceless.

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Image Credits
Photo #6 @lulanstudio

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