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Life & Work with Dave Williams

Today we’d like to introduce you to Dave Williams.

Hi Dave, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstory.
I am a Jazz Trumpeter, Bandleader and Composer. I started playing at nine years old, in 1982–practicing in local public parks. The Trumpet completely took over my attention. One of the best things to happen to me. Played through High School, then I joined the US Navy as a Submariner. After my enlistment, I came back home to Play Music. Joined a few groups, but that was never satisfying–I started my own groups. Later, playing local music cross-pollinated with local activism… These days, I’m the Brokest Celebrity around Long Beach.

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
No, it was not a smooth road at all. I got in my own way a lot–still do. Then, there’s people that want you to be something you’re not or to pander to a certain crowd. Lots of cats thought that we would get rich quick or something. That certainly didn’t happen. Lots of shifting personnel and personalities. Getting people to PAY YOU can be a struggle. People will try to get your Talent and Energy for diddly squat. Breaking out o this region has been an ongoing struggle as well…

Can you give our readers some background on your music?
I often describe myself as a Jazz Musician, but I do way more than that. I specialize in being able to record most things with my own unique touch. I’m known for the Jazz Fusion group Dave Williams and MBT (or MajicBulletTheory), Los Agitadores (my Latin Jazz Combo), Dave Williams and his Rhythm Agents (my more “Straight Ahead” Jazz Trio) and NotQuiteFree (my “Conductive Improvisation” group) Lately, I’m most proud of my 3 act, 30 song Jazz Opera, “Portrait of My City” What sets me apart? Well, everything really. Some of these cats are Poseurs, Corny, or just ain’t got the Heart for this. My motto is “We Love This Sport”. It separates the serious from the jokers.

Are there any apps, books, podcasts, blogs or other resources you think our readers should check out?
Ha!!!!! No. I self generate my own wisdom and direction. People ask ME stuff!

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Image Credits

Rebecca Bogdanoff and Betzi Learning

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