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Inspiring Conversations with Traci Keen of Onto Health

Today we’d like to introduce you to Traci Keen

Hi Traci, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
My career path has been anything but conventional. It all started at Simmons College, where I immersed myself in graphic design and fine arts. Little did I know that this creative foundation would shape my approach to business challenges in ways I couldn’t have imagined throughout my career.

Fresh out of college, I took an unexpected turn into the world of finance. At Investor’s Bank & Trust, I found myself diving into the world of fixed income funds and mutual fund accounting. As one of the few women in this male-dominated field, I was determined to make my mark.

I climbed the corporate ladder, mastering trade operations and back and middle-office intricacies. When IBT was acquired by State Street, I saw it as an opportunity for growth. I moved to a boutique firm, where I sharpened my skills in analytics and took on the role of an assistant controller.

I’ve always been one to push boundaries and future thinking. I decided to move from the East Coast to the West Coast and spread my wings as an independent consultant, becoming a sort of business doctor. I thrived on diagnosing operational inefficiencies and optimizing struggling businesses. It was challenging work, but incredibly rewarding.

In 2021, an opportunity arose that would change the course of my career. Mate Fertility, a company dedicated to making fertility care more accessible, brought me on as their Head of Finance. Here, I could apply my swiss army knife skills to a cause close to my heart – supporting individuals and couples on their journey to parenthood, in a historically inaccessible arena of care.

My potential didn’t go unnoticed. In January 2022, just a months after joining the company, I was asked to step in as CEO of Mate Fertility. It was a whirlwind ascent, but I was ready for the challenge. As CEO, I’ve was committed to steering the organization towards a future where fertility care is accessible to all.

Throughout my journey, I’ve never stopped learning. I’ve taken on part-time roles, even explored photography, constantly adding new dimensions to my skill set. I’m also a UBS Fellow with The Fourth Floor, an organization dedicated to advancing women in boardrooms and supporting women-led startups.

But the story doesn’t end there. In April 2024, a new chapter began. Mate Fertility was acquired by Onto Health. This acquisition marked a significant milestone in my career. As tCEO of Onto Health, I’m now leading a charge to learn from Mate and build the future of the fertility space.

From the art studio to the trading floor, from consulting rooms to the CEO’s office, and now as a founder, my career has been a vibrant tapestry of diverse experiences. It’s been an exciting adventure filled with unexpected opportunities and the chance to make a real difference in people’s lives. As I look to the future, I’m excited about the potential to create even greater impact in the world of healthcare and beyond.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It has definitely not been a smooth road. My journey has been marked by numerous challenges that have tested my resilience, courage, and authenticity. Looking back, I can say that these obstacles have shaped me into the leader I am today, but navigating them was far from easy.

Gender Barriers in Finance
One of the most significant challenges I faced early in my career was breaking into the male-dominated world of finance. As one of the few women in the field, I often felt like an outsider. I had to work twice as hard to prove my worth and overcome stereotypes. There were times when my ideas were overlooked or dismissed, simply because they came from a woman. This experience taught me the importance of standing firm in my convictions and asserting my voice, even when it felt uncomfortable.

Career Pivots and Self-Doubt
Transitioning from a background in fine arts to finance, and later to healthcare, wasn’t without its moments of self-doubt. Each pivot came with a steep learning curve and the nagging question: “Do I really belong here?” Imposter syndrome was a constant companion, especially when I took on leadership roles. Overcoming this required a conscious effort to acknowledge my strengths and the unique perspective I brought to the table.

Balancing Innovation with Tradition
In the fertility industry, I’ve faced the challenge of pushing for innovation while navigating a field steeped in traditional practices. Convincing stakeholders to embrace new technologies and approaches often met with resistance. It required patience, persistence, and the ability to clearly articulate the vision of a more accessible and efficient fertility care system.

Personal and Professional Trade-offs
The demands of building a career, especially in leadership roles, have often conflicted with personal life. There were countless late nights, missed family events, and sacrificed weekends. Maintaining a work-life balance has been an ongoing struggle, requiring difficult decisions and constant re-evaluation of priorities.

Funding and Resource Constraints
As a leader in the startup world, securing funding and managing limited resources has been a constant challenge. There were times when the future of our ventures hung by a thread, and the responsibility of employees’ livelihoods weighed heavily on my shoulders. These situations demanded creative problem-solving and the ability to inspire confidence in our team and investors, even in the face of uncertainty.

Maintaining Authenticity
Perhaps one of the most personal challenges has been staying true to myself and my values in a business world that often pressures conformity. There have been moments when it would have been easier to compromise my principles for short-term gains. Holding onto my authenticity, even when it meant taking the harder path, has been crucial but often lonely.
These challenges have tested me in ways I never anticipated when I started my career. But each obstacle has also been an opportunity for growth. They’ve taught me the value of perseverance, the importance of building strong support networks, and the power of staying true to one’s vision. While the road hasn’t been smooth, it’s these very bumps and detours that have made the journey meaningful and have prepared me for the leadership roles I hold today.

Navigating Leadership as an Introvert
One of the most personal challenges I’ve faced throughout my career is reconciling my introverted nature with the demands of leadership roles. In a business world that often celebrates extroversion, being an introvert has presented its own unique set of obstacles.

As an introvert, I’ve always found my energy and creativity in moments of solitude and deep reflection. However, leadership positions often require constant interaction, public speaking, and networking – activities that can be draining for someone like me. There were times when I questioned whether I could be an effective leader while staying true to my introverted self.
I’ve had to learn to step out of my comfort zone frequently. Giving presentations to large groups, leading team meetings, and attending networking events have all been exercises in pushing my boundaries. It’s been a constant balancing act – finding ways to fulfill these extroverted duties while also carving out the quiet time I need to recharge and process information.

One of the biggest hurdles was overcoming the misconception that introverts can’t be strong leaders. I’ve encountered skepticism from others who equate leadership with gregariousness and constant visibility. Proving that thoughtful, reflective leadership can be just as effective – if not more so – has been an ongoing challenge.

However, I’ve come to realize that my introversion is not a weakness, but a strength. It allows me to listen deeply, think critically, and make decisions with careful consideration. I’ve learned to leverage these qualities in my leadership style, fostering an environment that values both extroverted and introverted contributions.

Embracing my introversion has also meant developing strategies to manage my energy effectively. I’ve become adept at scheduling my day to include periods of interaction balanced with time for solitary work. I’ve also learned the importance of self-care and setting boundaries to prevent burnout.

Perhaps most importantly, I’ve discovered that authenticity resonates with people. By being open about my introverted nature and how it influences my leadership approach, I’ve been able to connect more genuinely with my team and colleagues. It’s shown me that effective leadership isn’t about changing who you are, but about harnessing your unique qualities to inspire and guide others.

My journey as an introverted leader has been one of self-discovery and growth. While it continues to present challenges, it has also revealed unexpected strengths and deepened my understanding of diverse leadership styles. In embracing my introversion, I’ve not only become a more authentic leader but also an advocate for the power of quiet leadership in the business world.

Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about Onto Health?
As I reflect on my career path and the founding of Onto Health, I’m struck by how each experience has led me to this pivotal moment in healthcare innovation. Onto Health was born from a deep understanding of the gaps in fertility care and a vision to revolutionize access to quality treatment.

Our mission at Onto Health is multifaceted, focusing on bridging critical gaps in fertility care through four key pillars: learning and education, infrastructure development, direct-to-consumer services, and cutting-edge technology. We’re not just adapting to the current landscape; we’re building an ecosystem that anticipates and accommodates the future of fertility care.

One of our primary goals is to move beyond the legacy fertility models that have historically been accessible to very few. These traditional models, while groundbreaking in their time, have limitations in terms of geographic reach, affordability, and inclusivity. At Onto Health, we’re reimagining this approach to create a more accessible and equitable fertility care system.
Learning and education form the foundation of our strategy. We’re committed to empowering both healthcare providers and patients with the knowledge they need to navigate fertility challenges effectively. This includes upskilling OB-GYNs to provide a fuller spectrum of fertility services, a move that not only expands access but also leverages the trusted relationship many patients already have with their gynecologists.

Infrastructure development is another crucial aspect of our work. We’re investing in building and upgrading facilities, particularly in secondary and tertiary markets that have been underserved by traditional fertility clinics. This expansion is not just about physical locations; it’s about creating a network that can support the growing demand for fertility services across diverse communities.

Our direct-to-consumer approach is designed to make fertility care more approachable and less intimidating. We’re developing user-friendly platforms and services that allow individuals to access information, support, and initial assessments from the comfort of their homes. This approach helps to demystify fertility treatment and encourages more people to seek help when they need it.

Technology is the thread that ties all of these elements together. We’re leveraging AI, telemedicine, and other innovative technologies to enhance diagnostics, streamline treatment processes, and improve patient outcomes. These technological advancements allow us to offer high-quality care more efficiently and at a lower cost, making it accessible to a broader population.

What sets Onto Health apart is our holistic view of fertility care. We’re not just focusing on treatment; we’re creating an ecosystem that supports individuals throughout their entire fertility journey. This includes addressing lifestyle factors, providing mental health support, and offering inclusive care that respects diverse family-building goals.

As we look to the future, our vision extends beyond just increasing the number of fertility treatments performed. We’re aiming to create a paradigm shift in how fertility care is perceived, delivered, and experienced. By building infrastructure that can accommodate future innovations and increasing demand, we’re preparing for a world where fertility care is a standard part of healthcare, accessible to all who need it.

The acquisition of Mate Fertility in April 2024 was a significant step in realizing this vision. It allowed us to combine our innovative approach with Mate Fertility’s established presence in the market, accelerating our ability to implement change on a larger scale.

At Onto Health, we’re not just responding to the current gaps in fertility care; we’re proactively shaping the future of reproductive health. It’s a challenging journey, but one that I believe will fundamentally transform the landscape of fertility care, making it more accessible, inclusive, and effective for generations to come.

Are there any important lessons you’ve learned that you can share with us?
The most important lesson I’ve learned along my journey is a profound one: we only control very little, and to truly drive things forward holistically, we must focus intently on that small slice within our control.
This realization has been both humbling and empowering. In the fast-paced worlds of finance, healthcare, and entrepreneurship, it’s easy to get caught up in the illusion that we can control every aspect of our business and career. However, the reality is far different.

Focusing on What We Can Control
I’ve learned that success doesn’t come from trying to control everything, but from identifying and maximizing the impact of the elements we can influence. This small slice typically includes our actions, decisions, reactions, and attitudes. By concentrating our energy on these areas, we can create ripple effects that extend far beyond our immediate sphere of influence.

Embracing Uncertainty
This lesson has taught me to embrace uncertainty rather than fear it. In the fertility industry, where outcomes can be unpredictable and emotional stakes are high, accepting that much is beyond our control has been crucial. It’s allowed us to focus on providing the best possible care and support, rather than promising specific results.

Adaptability and Resilience
Understanding the limits of our control has made adaptability and resilience key priorities. Instead of trying to force outcomes, I’ve learned to build systems and teams that can flexibly respond to changing circumstances. This approach has been invaluable in navigating the complex healthcare landscape and in building Onto Health’s innovative ecosystem.

Empowering Others
This lesson has also shaped my leadership style. By acknowledging the limits of my own control, I’ve learned to empower my team members, trusting them to manage their areas of responsibility. This has fostered a culture of ownership and innovation within our organization.

Holistic Approach to Progress
Paradoxically, by focusing on the small slice we can control, we’ve been able to drive progress more holistically. At Onto Health, this means concentrating on creating the best possible infrastructure, education, and technology within our reach, while remaining open to partnerships, collaborations, and external innovations that can complement our efforts.

Personal Growth
On a personal level, this lesson has been transformative. It’s reduced stress and increased my effectiveness by helping me prioritize where to invest my energy. It’s also fostered a greater sense of peace and purpose, knowing that while I can’t control everything, I can always control how I respond to challenges and opportunities.

In conclusion, understanding and embracing the limited nature of our control has been the cornerstone of my approach to business and life. It’s allowed me to lead with greater clarity, build more resilient organizations, and drive meaningful change in the fertility care landscape. By focusing intensely on the small slice we can influence, we’ve been able to create an impact far greater than if we had tried to control every aspect of our journey.

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Image Credits
photos by Monica Baddar

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