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Inspiring Conversations with Shannon Taylor of Legacy Bundles

Today we’d like to introduce you to Shannon Taylor.

Shannon Taylor

Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started? 
As a woman who has struggled with infertility, I dreamed of the day I would hold my own babies, doubting if I ever would. Years of expensive treatment passed with no babies, watching others have their first, seconds, and thirds, and my clock just ticked on. After 6 years, I was pregnant! Oh man, I was not ready, even after watching all of my friends traverse the path before me. The late nights, the early mornings, the tears (my tears)- those are expected, no one is ever ready, but we do expect those things. However, the amount of money was something I had no clue about. 

The money needed for diapers, $50 a box at times! Fortunately, I was able to breastfeed, but that is not everyone’s choice, and formula is so expensive, I do not know how people afford it. Then the kids started eating real food, and let me say I never paid attention to the price of fruit until my oldest started going through a container of blueberries daily. But the one expense that made me crazy was the cost of clothes. 

A baby onesie (new) can cost between $10-$30 but averages about $18. Oh, and any Momma reading this is thinking of my next sentence before I can type it: “Yeah, and they only wear it for 3 weeks before they outgrow it.” It is SO true; by the time they fit into it, you are lucky to get about a month until it no longer fits, and back to the store, you go for the expensive next round. 

When I had our first baby, we lost ½ our income, and now we were on a fixed budget. The cost of clothing was a problem, and at times, I lost sleep over it. I started doing the consignment shops where you take in your clothes, and they offer you money. Then you take that limited money and spend 4 times as much for the same quantity of clothing. These places also would not accept clothing outside of the current season (bring winter when it’s summer- no can do). The consignment stores, although a savings from new clothes, just was not going to work for my family. 

Lying awake thinking of this dilemma, knowing in about a week she was going to outgrow her 9-month clothes, the idea came to me. 

Legacy Bundles has brought to market the Bundle Swap- a true one-for-one clothing swap of 30 items. Send 30 items and get 30 new-to-you items delivered to your door. Free shipping both ways, along with your individualized shopper. Currently, customers pay each time they want to swap (once a week, a month, a year, whatever works for the consumer). There will be a second option, which is a monthly subscription for those who would prefer the routine rolling out soon. 

How it works- visit and select the Bundle you would like. Each option allows you to swap 30 items, but what 30 items you get in return changes with each Bundle. Legacy Bundles then sends you a bag with the prepaid postage label for you to fill. Once you fill it, send it via USPS. Now you wait and track your package. It will arrive at the facility where items will be inspected and determined to meet standards, as seen on the website. If an item does not meet a standard (for example, stain or hole), it will be returned in the Bundle bag with your 29 new-to-you clothes. EASY as that. Purchase a Bundles Swap whenever you need there is no waiting around. 

There are several novelties to this program that any competitor does not have- 

Legacy Bundles will accept any clothing season anytime, even if it is summer and you send winter, it will be stored until needed, and Legacy Bundles will send you what you request as long as you adhere to the accepted guidelines listed on the website. 

They do not put a monetary value on your clothes, limiting how much you are able to spend moving forward. The only evaluation is that, again, they meet the guidelines listed on the website. 

You can swap any gender and any size for any gender and any size. If your kiddo is outgrowing 12 months, you can send those and request 18 months. If your son is out growing 5T and your daughter needs 2T that works too, just swap them. 

You do not have to leave your home to do it. Or have items folded in plastic totes. Legacy Bundles provides everything you need to make swapping easy and fast. 

Legacy Bundles has all seasons available all year. Getting ready to head to Florida and need summer clothes in the middle of Midwest winter? Bundles Swap them and get what you need when you need it 

Gifting options! Bring the newest, coolest gift to the next baby shower! 

When you reach the checkout, the website will tell you how much you saved based on consignment prices, this averages $120 per bundle. New clothing savings averages $300 per swap. 

Did I mention the service is fast and effective (Legacy Bundles is not responsible for USPS timelines). 

Legacy Bundles is a company designed by people raising kids for people raising kids. The company has chosen lower margins and a higher quality service. Legacy Bundles does not believe a family should have to choose between groceries and gas or keeping their kids in the right size clothes. It does not have to be expensive to be valuable. 

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
We have learned that when starting a business, there is the plan, and then there is pivoting to what is actually happening. Our biggest hurdle has been the tech development. We were promised a finished backend tech product by end of Aug 2023 and still have not received final product while draining our original marketing budget. We were able to launch the product on our own and are now working to constantly enhance our backend and bring better customer experiences each time. Timing and the amount of money needed to finalize Legacy Bundles has been the hardest struggle we were not prepared for. Shipping has also been a topic we have spent more time figuring out in order to drive our prices down for customer. We continue to work this issue and hope to be able to drop prices once we can negotiate lower shipping. 

Thanks – so, what else should our readers know about Legacy Bundles?
There are several novelties to this program that any competitor does not have- 

1. Legacy Bundles will accept any clothing season anytime, even if it is summer and you send winter, it will be stored until needed, and Legacy Bundles will send you what you request as long as you adhere to accepted guidelines listed on the website.

2. They do not put a monetary value on your clothes, limiting how much you are able to spend moving forward. The only evaluation is that again they meet the guidelines listed on the website.

3. You can swap any gender and any size for any gender and any size. If your kiddo is outgrowing 12 months, you can send those and request 18 months. If your son is out growing 5T and your daughter needs 2T that works too, just swap them.

4, You do not have to leave your home to do it. Or have items folded in plastic totes. Legacy Bundles provides everything you need to make swapping easy and fast.

5. Legacy Bundles has all seasons available all year. Getting ready to head to Florida and need summer clothes in the middle of Midwest winter? Bundles Swap them and get what you need when you need it.

6. Gifting options! Bring the newest, coolest gift to the next baby shower!

When you reach the checkout, the website will tell you how much you saved based on consignment prices, this averages $120 per bundle. New clothing savings averages $300 per swap. 

Did I mention the service is fast and effective (Legacy Bundles is not responsible for USPS timelines)? 

Legacy Bundles is a company designed by people raising kids for people raising kids. The company has chosen lower margins and a higher quality service. Legacy Bundles does not believe a family should have to choose between groceries and gas or keeping their kids in the right size clothes. It does not have to be expensive to be valuable. 

Alright, so to wrap up, is there anything else you’d like to share with us?
This company was designed with the customers’ needs placed first. We proudly and thoughtfully pick each Bundle. We focus on our systems being easy to navigate and the process for mailing in to be streamlined, all while keeping it as cost-effective as we can. 


  • $35/Bundles
  • Shipping included
  • $1.16/ item

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