Today we’d like to introduce you to Patty Dean.
Patty, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
I started my Pilates journey in 2000. I was working at a huge music studio called Larrabee and a classical Pilates studio was down the street. I’ve heard of the benefits of Pilates and its mat work. I signed up not knowing what I signed up for. The first class, I decided to eat Fatburger before the class and during the first few exercises, I almost through up. I actually fell in love and learned a valuable lesson. Throughout my 20 year career, I have worked with a vast spectrum of bodies. I have worked with clients with scoliosis, polio, ADHD, Athletes, Dancers and the everyday person that would like to work on balance. In 2020 I learned how to pivot and have taught clients around the world via Zoom sustaining my retention. 2020 has taught me to utilize all my talents. I am the content producer for a hit show on YouTube called Barbershop Conversations, I launched my line BLACK FUTURE VINTAGE and I found the balance to homeschool my two children during the pandemic. I’m in the abyss of gratitude for the mental strength and on going energy that it has taken. You never know how strong you are until you’re faced with adversity. I am thankful.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
Absolutely not! I’ve learned to take the word “easy” out of things especially when you really want it. I remember when I was a Pilates apprentice and 10 of us joined the program and only 3 out of 10 became classically certified. I was 1 out of the 3. When I became stuck, I remember writing myself a letter saying that I was going to complete this challenging two years program. Writing that letter sparked something in me. To this day, I still write myself letters. In 2020 one year ago when the pandemic hit. I came up with saying the words adjust, adapt and accept what is happening. This helped me with my anxiety. I also meditated a lot early in the morning before the sun came up and gave myself a bath every night in all salts and oils. Self-care is necessary.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
What’s interesting is that I have the words create yourself tattooed on my wrist. I’m always creating. Even if it is with my line BLACK FUTURE VINTAGE, my creative team The Intersection Family, being the content producer for a show or even creating with my children. Creation surrounds my life! I am most proud of my children because they love and appreciate art so much. Now that they are home they get to see me teach Pilates via Zoom and say “wow Mommy you can do that”. I just chuckle. What sets me apart from others would be how fine-tuned I am. I listen to everything and see everything from the eye. I have developed teaching Pilates for 21 years. I love seeing the not so obvious things and then bringing it to people’s attention. That’s fun!
Do you have any advice for those just starting out?
My advice would be that it’s okay not to know everything. To listen to the ones who have gone before you and done whatever it is well. LISTEN with your everything. Be solo sometimes and write down what you need for yourself. Learn how you learn. I’m teaching my children this now. I wish I listened to my intuition more than what people told me what to do. Advice is great however; only you truly know the answer. Your gut or intuition will always lead the way.
Contact Info:
- Email: pattypilatesstyle@gmail.com
- Website: blackfuturevintage.bigcartel.com
- Instagram: pattypilatesstyle or blackfuturevintage_