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Conversations with David Wave

Today we’d like to introduce you to David Wave.

Hi David, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
I grew up in a very small town about 90 miles outside Barcelona, in Girona. I decided to move to Barcelona to study Design without knowing much yet, what I wanted to specialize in.

After college, I worked at several companies in Barcelona, including many new media (graphic design, social media) safe bets in terms of projects. However, very quickly, I realized it wasn’t for me. I then decided to move to Madrid and had offers to work with big ad agencies. The possibility of working within the movie industry wasn’t even on my horizon yet; it seemed impossible to achieve at this point. I was quickly unsatisfied with Madrid, so I left and started to work remotely with many clients from the UK. I worked in broadcast and other TV projects as a freelancer, which is then when I realized I began to enjoy these types of projects (motion broadcast-related and Title Sequences). I was drawn to the idea of title design, beautiful design work that represents a script, and I’ve always been passionate about movies, so it seemed like a natural fit. It was always a crazy dream, but it continued to pull me, so I reached out to companies in the US, and after a long time of reaching out and getting “no” responses, I finally got someone to take a chance on me and offer me a project.

When I did the interview, they asked how fast I could move to the US for a 2-week project. This was a huge risk for me to get up and leave my life in Spain. I knew I wanted so much more than Europe could offer, and I was super demanding in setting expectations for my career. So, I decided to follow my dreams and move to America. A country where I knew no one, did not speak the native language, and just I felt I had to take the chance. Since I was a kid, I always dreamt of working in the Hollywood film industry. I adored movies growing up, and it was always my outlet and travel tool to leave the small town that I grew up in, so I decided to make it become a reality.

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Like everything in life, there are highs and lows, my career path is no exception. There are many early mornings (3 AM is my standard wake-up time) followed by some late nights. I’ve had to sacrifice a lot for my career, so the struggle would be prioritizing my work/life balance. I have a great support system at home, which makes it easier to endure, but at the end of the day prioritization of life over work is my constant struggle. But if you keep up with the work and with your passion in the craft, it’s very satisfying to see the results and how you’ve improved over the years. And there’s the point that you realize that all that effort and late nights was worth it, because you are growing up as an artist by doing so.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I am a multidisciplinary artist and I specialize in main title sequence design for film and television. In addition to creating TV promos, network advertisements, and graphic interfaces for various products. The style of my art is futuristic with an organic look and feel.

I am known for my work on many title sequences for blockbuster films such as: Keanu (2015), The Fate of the Furious (2017), Only the Brave (2017), Sicario day of the sold ado (2018), The Meg (2018), Tomb Raider Prologue (2018),

And for Television such as: DC’s Pennyworth Opening Titles (2019), MacGyver Season 4 Opening Titles (2020) and most recently, I’ve got an Emmy nomination for my design work on the Main on End sequence for Marvel’s WandaVision (2021).

We’d love to hear about any fond memories you have from when you were growing up?
Oh wow, I love this question and have plenty. I was fortunate enough to grow up in a traditional Spanish household. My mother took care of the kids and the house while my dad worked and provided for his family. My favorite part about my childhood was that we used to spend three months every summer camping on the beach. My family had an RV trailer, and we would set up a mini outdoor house for the summer months on the Mediterranean Sea— it was truly amazing! I could play outside, sleep by the beach every night, and make friends from all over Europe, as a lot of Europeans traveled from far away to spend a month or two or three by the Sea. My mom would set up a full kitchen, and my dad would mount the television outside so we could watch movies under the stars.

Since I was a kid, I’ve always been very interested in cinema and the arts. I had my own collection of VHS tapes, where I would record almost everything, but specifically movies and Animes (Japanese animation). I’ve always enjoyed spending time watching my favorite movies over and over again from my favorite directors: James Cameron, Robert Zemeckis, Quentin Taratino, and Steven Spielberg. I actually learned English by watching these favorite movies of mine on repeat because I already had them memorized in Spanish, so I would replay them with the VO in English and with subtitles. It’s crazy to realize that a few years later I would be working on the titles and VFX of these types of movies that inspire the dreams of people all over the world. As Mr. McFly said: You put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything.

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