Today we’d like to introduce you to Timisola Ogunleye.
Hi Timisola, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
The business started with my mom. She was losing her hair so she decided to go natural. She felt like her hair wasn’t growing due to chemicals so she created her own product. It’s been almost nine years since then and now we have six products (we’re launching our 7th in March), we have an online store, Etsy shop, Walmart Marketplace shop, and we’re sold in five storefronts. I became the full-time CEO and Creative Director in December and started making a lot of changes. We went from averaging $300 in monthly sales to $12K in monthly sales. I believe that number will double soon as well!
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
No, not at all. Running a business requires so much patience, skills, and money! And running a business with your family, specifically your mother, isn’t the easiest. Effective communication is so important. Things are a lot smoother now though, we’ve learned how to communicate with each other professionally and I realized how important it is to set that boundary as soon as possible. One thing I did early on was identify my strengths and weaknesses. I decided to get help by hiring interns then outsource any work that will require too much time/knowledge. A lot of small businesses fail because they take too long to get help. That should be one of your first investments, not last. I focused on my strengths and it has definitely been beneficial.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on? What do you specialize in and known for?
I’m the CEO/creative director for DrOBeauty, I’m one the creative directors for this startup app Popcrn, I manage the Tiktok account for Ampro Industries, I’m a model, and I recently signed with CGEM Talent for acting. For fun, I write screenplays but I want to start taking that more seriously.
I don’t specialize in anything really, I’m a multi-hyphenate. I think I’m known for doing a lot of things confidently. A lot of people have been telling me recently that I come across like I just KNOW what I’m doing- which is farthest from the truth. I’m just actually willing to try everything that peaks my interest.
I’m just proud that my rebellious spirit has worked out for me. I was on a path to live your typical 9-5 lifestyles but I knew I didn’t want that at all, but I was CONSTANTLY getting pressured to accept that. So I rebelled, was unemployed for a chunk of time, then I decided to just go for it. I refused to take life advice from people who weren’t living the type of life I aspired to live, and I’ve been significantly happier since.
I think my vulnerability. I don’t act like I have it all figured out. I’m open about my highs and lows; I don’t use my social media to flex or paint a false picture of my life. I try to relate to people by being honest. I’m also not waiting until I’m “on” to start putting other people “on”. I’ve created/help create about four jobs this year so far and I plan on doing more. I’m building a network. I’m acting like a mogul now so when that stage of my life comes, I can act like I’ve been there before.
We love surprises, fun facts and unexpected stories. Is there something you can share that might surprise us?
I’m simultaneously extremely confident and insecure. My confidence has rubbed A LOT of people wrong in the past so I try my hardest to be aware of that at all times. I don’t want that to be the reason why I’m not given an opportunity because that happened to me more than once in college. It hurt so bad not getting to join a sorority I wanted to join, or get the specific job I wanted, or be the president of a club because I was too “intimidating”. In a perfect world, we should be able to be ourselves unapologetically, but the world doesn’t work like that. I had to learn how to be charming, approachable, and unintimidating to get what I want in life. You gotta understand how people work and what they respond to.
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Image Credits:
Photography: Danica Carver, OSEIJE, Jonny Marlow