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Check Out M Ahmed Mostafa’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to M Ahmed Mostafa

Hi M Ahmed, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
**A Decade of Scent: My Journey to Becoming a Self-Taught Perfumer**

I have to thank my wife, whom i could not have done this without. She helped me through the years and endured a great deal of stresses, struggles.

A decade ago, I was a fragrance enthusiast with no formal training in perfumery, but an undeniable passion for scents. I would lose myself in the delicate interplay of notes from my favorite perfumes, trying to deconstruct them in my mind. Perfume wasn’t just something I wore—it was a gateway to memory, emotion, and culture. So, I set out to teach myself the art of perfumery, starting with nothing more than a curious mind and a growing collection of oils and fragrances.

**The First Steps: Learning the Language of Scent**

I started small. The first challenge was to understand the basic building blocks of perfume: the notes, the families, and the composition. I read everything I could find—books, blogs, interviews with perfumers—eager to absorb the wisdom of those who had come before me. I taught myself the language of perfumery: top, middle, and base notes; the difference between a chypre and a gourmand; the distinction between natural and synthetic ingredients.

It wasn’t easy. Perfumery is both an art and a science, and learning to combine ingredients in harmony is a delicate, often frustrating process. I’d blend oils together, trying to recreate the beautiful perfumes I admired, only to end up with an unbalanced, chaotic mix. But each failure was a lesson, pushing me to better understand proportions, solubility, and longevity.

**From Enthusiast to Artisan: Experimentation and Creation**

As I became more confident in my understanding of notes and blends, I began sourcing essential oils, absolutes, and aroma chemicals. My kitchen turned into a mini-laboratory. I kept a journal of every combination I tried—how much of each ingredient I used, the reaction after the first hour, the dry down after six hours, and the lingering scent the next day.

Over the years, my failures turned into successes. I learned which combinations worked best, how to adjust formulas for different seasons, and how to express different moods or memories through scent. I discovered my own style as a perfumer: an appreciation for deep, resinous base notes mixed with oud and incense or floral top notes, inspired by nature and personal nostalgia.

One of the hardest parts of being self-taught was not having a mentor to correct my mistakes. I relied on online communities, books, and my own instinct to improve. But this also meant that every breakthrough felt like a personal victory—a scent that bloomed perfectly, an accord that resonated just right.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
**Challenges and Triumphs: Crafting My Own Signature Scent**

Creating my first signature scent felt like a culmination of everything I had learned. I experimented with dozens of formulations, adjusting the balance between the notes until the perfume felt like an extension of myself. This was more than just a blend of ingredients; it was an expression of the last decade, every lesson distilled into one bottle.

There were times when I doubted myself. Perfume is a notoriously difficult art to master, and it can be discouraging when a blend doesn’t turn out as expected. But each setback was an opportunity to learn. I leaned into the process, trusting that with time and persistence, I could develop my skills.

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
**A Decade of Growth: Looking Ahead**

Looking back, it’s incredible to see how far I’ve come. What started as a hobby has turned into a lifelong passion. I have a deeper understanding of the art of perfumery, but more importantly, I’ve discovered my own voice as a perfumer. The process of learning—of trial and error, of research and experimentation—has been just as rewarding as the perfumes I’ve created.

As I look to the future, I know my journey is far from over. There is always more to learn, more scents to explore, more stories to tell through fragrance. Becoming a self-taught perfumer over the last decade has been a deeply fulfilling journey, and I’m excited to see where the next decade will take me.

I thank God everyday for the gift of learning and for honoring me with this knowledge.

We’d love to hear about any fond memories you have from when you were growing up?
One of my favorite childhood memories is the feeling of pure joy and accomplishment I experienced when I successfully learned something new for the first time. I was always curious as a child, drawn to the thrill of discovery, but the moment that stands out the most was when I taught myself how to ride a bicycle. I remember the sense of frustration building up with every failed attempt—the wobbling, the sudden falls, and the hesitations as I tried to balance. But after days of persistence, there was a sudden shift. The moment the pedals turned smoothly beneath my feet and the wind swept past my face, I knew I had done it. I had mastered something that seemed impossible just a short while before.

That success taught me the power of perseverance and self-reliance. I didn’t need anyone to hold the handlebars anymore; I had figured it out on my own. This small victory stayed with me, shaping my confidence and determination in the years that followed. It wasn’t just about riding the bike; it was about realizing that learning something new, even if challenging, could unlock a sense of freedom and achievement that would continue to fuel my love of discovery for the rest of my life.

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