Today we’d like to introduce you to Iyanifa Shondra Cheris.
Hi Iyanifa Shondra, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
How I started is truly intricate but I will give the shortest version possible. I started in entertainment while attending South Carolina State University. Started a business related to that upon graduating all while working my positions in my Marketing degree field and tech in the private and government sector. This provides me with a vast background to help the clients I work with.
During this time, I had a journey of self-discovery which allowed me to research, embrace and love my ancestry as well as my unique abilities. This led me to the African Yoruba Isese (ee-shay-shay) tradition known as Ifa (ee-fa). This is important to note because it is why you see me referred to as Iyanifa and is also why my Intuitive Business Strategy and Spiritual Life Coaching business began that you are speaking with me about right now. While launching this business I met Brittany D’ke of Creator Lyfe Agency, and I came out of retirement on the management side of entertainment. Thus, I also manage influencers with her. I provide emotional support that most agencies do not. Because we invest in and believe in the influencers and creators, we work with holistically to assist them in reaching their goals.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
No great entrepreneurial story is ever easy. I have always believed in myself, which is key for anyone deciding to be in business. Yet, with every business change or decision comes the weight of whether this will work or is it worth the risk. Deciding to be in the public versus behind the scenes has been a transition for me. Being responsible for others and their well-being I take very seriously is not something I was interested in doing at all. However, when you are led to serve other people, you do so.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
I am an Intuitive Business Strategist and Spiritual life coach that manages influencers and creators. I work to assist those of you ready to upgrade and streamline your business or personal life. I do this with coaching on trademark and copyright filing, business and product development, spiritual coaching and so much more. I even wrote a book on how to trademark, called “Trademark Your Sh!t.” Yes, for real. I work to see what works for you. Simply put, I specialize in assisting you to be the best you during your current journey. I am of the work I do because it helps so many people. My work is not easy at sometimes and can deal with some tough situations, but nothing is more rewarding than seeing someone succeed because of the help they received from me. To work with me, check out my website or catch me on all social media platforms @shondracheris. You are guaranteed to learn something and grow from doing so.
Risk taking is a topic that people have widely differing views on – we’d love to hear your thoughts.
I laughed so hard reading this. I have taken risks all my life. I want to do something, I figure it out and do it. I mean name one coach that does what I do at the same time and within African Spirituality too and is still able to reach the masses not interested in the spirituality part. People of all faiths and nationalities trust me enough to know I am not here to steer them wrong. That is an accomplishment in itself.
I wasn’t so sure about how I would combine these two aspects of myself into a business. As one or the other may detour some people from working with me. The risk in not establishing a cookie-cutter niche is something to overcome. I realized that taking this risk allows me to reach those who are led to me and that’s what matters. Not me trying to fit what others do but me, fitting what people need. As I say often, I make sure they see my door so they know they can knock on it for the help they need.
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