Today we’d like to introduce you to David Bennett.
Hi David, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
Started back in Orlando, FL freshmen year I walked into school and saw a group of people dancing in a cypher. Later that day at lunch I saw the same thing but this time I introduce myself to one of the people dancing. From there I started taking his bus home from school to learn from him, he taught me something that changed my life forever the art of breaking. I then become really invested and trained every day eventually starting my own Crew called MF Kidz (MothaFuckin Kidz) the name came from older guys in the scene, we were one of the youngest crews beating grown men and they started to say things like “can’t stand you motha fuckin kidz”. We ended up being one of the top crews in our generation in FL and that took me to audition for the Harlem Globe Trotters where I performed with the Globby Crew on half time. Later on, moved to Los Angeles, started doing street shows on Venice and Santa Monica Pier. The west coast has been good to me, been here nine years now been modeling acting and breaking for some of the biggest artists and brands in the world.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
Self-doubt comes from not being sure what you’re capable of. So being around a lot of talented people or artists that already have established them selfs at first was a challenge. But then failing and trying again making mistakes and figuring out how to do things my way took time but I’m thankful for the challenge I feel it help me grow. I’ve been homeless out here, been kicked off set. Been in fights, and all were obstacles but a lesson in them too. Taught me how to survive and to surround myself with the right people.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
HipHop is my foundation, if it was for breaking I wouldn’t be doing any of these things I am doing today I don’t think. I started just with dance it made me understand I was good at something, I became known for it in my city then in my country then it brought me overseas. I was known as a crew leader and also bboy from FL. Then I injured myself, it put me in a place of panic cause dancing had gotten me so far. But I started to put outfits together and take photos and even ask over photographers if they wanted to shoot and that turned into something I never thought id end up doing being a fashion model. I got signed to NEXT Models and got to not only model these cool-ass clothes I used to spend my money on but break in them and get paid for it. Now I’m known for bringing breaking into a bigger light, breaking on billboards and storefronts. Breaking is now in the Olympics so it’s only going to be brought up more in the fashion world. Recently I’ve been doing a lot more acting, I’ve always loved it. So I’m hoping to keep going with this new craft and it brings me to places I could only dream of.
Have you learned any interesting or important lessons due to the Covid-19 Crisis?
The crisis wasnt that bad for me. I actually worked a lot through it. The one thing I think I learned was to love myself more. I was alone a lot, I started to see who really was around and who I didn’t hear from or care to reach out too. Brought me closer to what’s more important, I did have some friends lose a lot and a half to move back home or live with a family member. And that taught me to save more, you never know when you’ll need money.
Contact Info:
- Instagram: @illson44