Today we’d like to introduce you to Natalie Jambazian.
Natalie, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
As I was going through my college years, just like any other freshman I was struggling to understand who I was in the world and who I wanted to be. One thing was certain that I was intrigued by people’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. For that reason, I decided to study psychology. While going to school, I was also working in the entertainment industry, if you can imagine what an epic experience that was.
I was the personal assistant for a highly popular socialite and we’re talking about 12 years ago. Who wouldn’t want to work for a socialite at the age of 21 years old? I landed that job from a family member who was close to the socialite (I don’t need to give names but let’s just say she continues to be a socialite in the industry, we can all guess who that might be). It was a challenging yet eye-opening experience. I didn’t have a thick skin at the time, all I would hear was “Natalie, you gotta have thick skin to make it in the industry.”
Then I realized, what if I didn’t want to make it in the industry. What if this is not who I am and what makes me happy. After some time, I realized this job wasn’t cut out for me. Although, it was the most amazing experience, I wasn’t happy. It was these moments I was trying to find myself and my vision and goals. I was a curious one and an ambitious girl always seeking an adventure.
Once I decided, entertainment isn’t for me I decided to continue my education. I received my bachelor’s in psychology, soon after I received my master’s in Marriage and Family Therapy. It was during this moment, working with clients with anxiety, depression, divorce, pain, and suffering when I felt this is exactly where I am supposed to be. I worked with a variety of different populations, as an intern I had two-three jobs, I was working with children who were dealing with behavioral issues and parents divorce, as well as couple’s who were struggling to maintain their relationship.
It took about two years after graduation to collect my hours (we are to collect 3,000 hours of internship before you can become licensed and be on your own). Once I finished my hours and through intense anxiety, fear and worry to pass my test I finally became licensed. The day I passed my licensing exam was an unforgettable one. I didn’t believe in myself at the time, I worried I wouldn’t pass, I worried I was not good enough, and I truly struggled being confident with my decisions.
After receiving my license, I opened my private practice, Therapy with Natalie. As I was going through my licensure, I was struggling with maintaining my own personal relationship. I struggled loving myself and seeing my self-worth. I experienced a relationship that wasn’t a right fit for me. Through my personal experience, I found my niche in my business.
As a woman, I struggled to find my self-worth, and as a therapist, I work with women to empower them and inspire them to never settle for what they think they deserve. Since everyone has a different meaning of what “deserving’ means. I not only work with individuals who are struggling in their relationship with their partner, but I am also a narcissist abuse support recovery therapist.
Briefly, narcissist is someone who devalues and degrades their partner. They tend to manipulate their partner to get what they want, and at the same time destroying your sense of worth. This can be debilitating and draining for an individual. I help people realize and question why you would allow someone like this in your life. I love what I do, and I finally found a passion that serves my soul.
Has it been a smooth road?
In addition to the previous page, the road to licensure was a struggle. One obstacle that comes to mind is maintaining my own life while helping other people overcome their own.
It was difficult separating your issues to your client’s. But, you had to be present, focused, and leaving your issues outside of the office room.
So let’s switch gears a bit and go into the Therapy with Natalie story. Tell us more about the business.
My specialty is working with individuals who have been in toxic relationships. In this day in age, dating and relationships are so different than it was 20/30 years ago. Social Media, has been a powerful influence for that as well. People don’t want to take responsibility for their actions, people don’t want to “settle” anymore. The age of women who are having kids went from 21-34. Both men and women are waiting later to start a family.
I specialize in working with individuals who are in a narcissistic relationship. If you have been in this relationship, which I have, it becomes draining, you lose yourself and devote your whole life to this person mentally and physically. I help empower people to love themselves, I circle through their past and how they grew up. I collaborate with my client’s to find their voice and not allow people who manipulate and disregard them.
I am proud to have experienced what I have in my life because it wasn’t for those times of struggles and pain I wouldn’t be the strong woman that I am today. My niche is very special to me, and not a lot of people or therapists understand what “narcissist” means, and every therapist at some point will have a narcissist in their room or has a client who is experiencing a narcissistic partner. It is important to share my knowledge and help others understand the meaning of narcissism and why they are the way they are.
So, what’s next? Any big plans?
The vision I have for my company is simple. Inspire, empower, grow. My goal is to have a podcast specifically on narcissistic abuse recovery and hopefully also write a book.
Contact Info:
- Address: 15233 Ventura Blvd, Sherman Oaks, CA, 91403
- Website: www.therapywithnatalie.org
- Phone: 818-334-8786
- Email: njambazian@gmail.com
- Instagram: natalie_therapy
Image Credit:
Carolyn.devine.photography, madeinlabysg
Getting in touch: VoyageLA is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.
February 10, 2019 at 19:23
Natalie is such an inspiration! I love to see female entrepreneurs highlighted in Voyage.