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Meet Hugo Sanchez of Juice’s Music Shop in Whittier

Today we’d like to introduce you to Hugo Sanchez.

So, before we jump into specific questions, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
I started playing bass around the age of 15 at my church. It gave me the opportunity to play alongside my brother, who at the time was playing drums. I didn’t take it serious until a couple of years later. As time went on, I continued to play while being privileged to be mentored by great musicians in the LA and surrounding areas. They taught me and gave me opportunities to grow in my field. My first “Awe” moment” was when I was 19 years old and I was able to play with a great gospel singer named Tye Tribbet, and things just took off from there. I later found myself in the gospel scene, playing with artists like the Clark Sisters, Todd Dulaney, Judith McAllister, Kurt Carr, Maurette Brown Clark, and other gospel artists.

In the midst of my ever-changing music career, I have always had the entrepreneurial mindset of buying and selling, helping my friends acquire any type of gear they were looking for – I was “that” guy.

After doing some tours with a Persian artist by the name of Shadmehr Adhele, music was going pretty well up until the point where I started to look beyond playing bass. I wanted to utilize the momentum that I had created both musically and through my following. People often asked, “Where did you get your bass bag?” Or “Where did you get your bass and strings?” I started talking about opening up a music shop where people can buy what I was using and find those products you normally wouldn’t be able to find at most music shops. After talking to my endorsement companies and figuring out a plan, I had the tools I needed to get it going and in November of 2019, Juice’s Music Shop was open. We offer basses, guitars, amps, lessons and other musical necessities. I first started playing bass all because I wanted to play alongside my brother; My passion grew and it took me where I never imagined.

Today, I play bass regularly and I still travel, all while remotely managing the shop online. The one thing that I realized was that music was fueling what I wanted to do, whether that was having a blast playing in large arenas with my friends, jamming with my “JUICED UP” squad (Donnie L. & Cory K.), or most importantly giving me more time to be with my wife at home.

Right now in 2020 with this whole Covid-19 pandemic happening, music has kind of paused, all the playing in arenas isn’t happening. However, I’m still able to focus on Juice’s Music shop, my ministry at church, being with my wife… and I have more time to dedicate to my saltwater aquarium addiction (if you know, you know).

Life is great. I’m blessed with a beautiful wife and awesome friends. Bass playing is going strong, and Juice’s Music Shop is taking off!

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
There are always challenges. Music is always changing and evolving. As I was growing as a bass player I was also growing in my relationship with my wife. I realized I wanted to be closer to home so I can spend more time with family. Balancing music, ministry and family was something I hadn’t mastered.

Can you give our readers some background on your music?
I’m known for bringing the “Juice” to the stage with my bass playing. Aside from that, people just come to me when they are looking to purchase music gear. I’ve been hustling my whole life and was gifted with being a natural salesman. I stand behind anything I sell or promote. Juice’s Music Shop provides high-quality musical gear that feels good when you pick it up and gets you excited to play it LIVE.

What were you like growing up?
Growing up, people called me “Juice.”

HUGO, pronounced (ooo-Goh) sounds like “JUGO,” pronounced (WHO- GOH) which is “Juice” in Spanish.

It’s shorter when I explain it in person, haha.

I’ve always been easy going, into sports, music, and hobbies such as Reef-scaping.

Even before I played bass, I grew up in church. It’s been my foundation in life. My wife and I are currently serving as Youth Pastors for our church. Serving the community has always been in my heart. Working with the young generation has been such a giver of joy especially when many young people are looking for a place to belong.

Contact Info:

Image Credit:
Kameron H., Deangelo S., Hunter M., Christopher C., Thomas R., Garrett W.

Suggest a story: VoyageLA is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.

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