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Meet Gina Venturini of Gina Venturini in Los Angeles

Today we’d like to introduce you to Gina Venturini.

So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
I am an artist.

I grew up in Nebraska and most of my life, I had been a singer performing all kinds of music from opera, jazz, cover bands, and original music throughout a variety of venues around the US. Eventually, I would find a permanent home in Los Angeles, married, and continuing to pursue my dream of singing while working jobs to help pay the bills.

That then grew the inspiration of designing my short-lived jewelry line, that lasted about 5 years. After 20 something years, my marriage would soon begin to fall apart and come to an end.

In 2011, I started working for a fashion brand, and in 2013, was given a promotion and the opportunity to move my life forward to Austin, TX.

There, I would co-manage a new location and have a profoundly intimate experience, that my heart awakened and I became inspired to write and self-publish three poetry books, “Calling Love Home”, “The Color of My Heart Is You,” and “Hearts Don’t Bend They Break.”

Has it been a smooth road?
Living the life of an artist is never a smooth road. Until you are exalted into that state of notoriety, you have to be on this continuous spiral of movement, finding ways to make a living, continuous learning, practicing your craft, and then trying to keep the momentum of energy flowing to keep creating more. And the most important thing that I have struggled within all of my creative endeavors, is the promotion and marketing aspect of them.
If only I would have taken my mother’s advice, and went to business school.

Also, coming from a background in music, with every book I’ve written, there has been a lot to learn in the process from the beginning to end.

On December of 2017, that comfortable safety net and stable income from my previous job came to an end, and I have now been thrust fully into the entrepreneurial life of working in the insurance industry.

The most difficult part about being an entrepreneur has been the stress of having no stable income coming in. And then there is that self-motivation to get out of bed each day and go out alone into the unknown, to talk to complete strangers and get them to trust you.

And even when I hear no, not interested, I have to find ways to remain positive and keep reminding myself that every no is one step closer to a yes.

I feel that my life as an artist has prepared me for the path of an entrepreneur and the journey that I’m on now, is the road I have to take to lead me to my dreams.

So, as you know, we’re impressed with Gina Venturini – tell our readers more, for example, what you’re most proud of as a company and what sets you apart from others.
I am a writer and sell my 3 books on In addition to the poems, I also have pictures that I’ve taken in nature with my iPhone. I’ve always been intrigued by coffee table books, so the inspiration to mix poems and photos came from that idea.

As for the entrepreneurial side, I have recently started working with Aflac and I feel this fits my need to roam, and love to connect with people and give service to others.

Let’s touch on your thoughts about our city – what do you like the most and least?
I love the energy that exudes in Los Angeles along with the diversity and the different types of cultures that surround me. Those are some of the things that inspire me to write.

What I feel Los Angeles needs to improve on is finding better resources to help our continuing growing homeless population.

However, my friends and I try to help out how we can. Over the past 6 years, we have started to gather donations of essentials, food, blankets, gloves, and hats through family and friends. We’ve been blessed enough the past 3 years, to help out 100 individuals.

One day, I would like to have so much in way of donations, that it fills up a large moving truck.

Contact Info:

Image Credit:
Fran Hartshorn, Marco Llanos, Alexandra Kube, Toni Koch, Robert Hartland, Sara Hasslinger

Getting in touch: VoyageLA is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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