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Meet Briggitte Mulholland of Light of Reiki Wellness Center in Huntington Beach

Today we’d like to introduce you to Briggitte Mulholland.

Briggitte, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
I am a Certified Usui Reiki Master Teacher, founder of Light of Reiki Wellness Studio and Learning Center in Huntington Beach, CA.

In case you have never heard of Reiki, Reiki is a Japanese method of using universal healing energy to help the body heal itself. Reiki energy brings about deep relaxation, removes energy blockages, detoxifies the body, and provides a sense of overall well-being. During a Reiki session, the client becomes very relaxed, going into a meditative state which allows their own body to heal itself to reduce anxiety and stress, stimulate the immune system, increase energy, and relieve pain associated with many health conditions. Reiki has many of the same benefits as acupuncture, massage therapy, practicing meditation, yoga or qigong. It is a complementary form of medicine that does not replace conventional medicine.

I discovered Reiki on a trip to Sedona about 4 years ago when my plantar fasciitis was healed during a brief Reiki session. As a tourist, I had gone into a psychic shop and thought I’d go for a psychic reading, just for fun. The shop was offering a 2-for-1 special, a psychic reading with a 15-minute Reiki session. I had been having Plantar Fasciitis (pain in my right foot) for over 5 years and it had been getting worse. It was so bad that I would need a cane to help myself stand up anytime I sat down for more than a few minutes, especially in the evenings. I had no idea what Reiki was that day when I received Reiki for the first time. I thought the man was going to give me a massage. He told me to lie down, relax, and close my eyes. I remember hearing sounds and felt him touch my foot, but soon, it was over. I didn’t notice anything different. I got up, thanked him, and went on to get my psychic reading.

I forgot all about the Reiki session until the next evening as I was getting ready to go out to dinner. I had been sitting on the hotel bed for a while, long enough that I usually would have had trouble standing up and walking, but without thinking, I got up and walked to the bathroom. As l looked into the mirror, I suddenly realized that there was no pain in my right foot. It seemed hard to believe because I had been walking on it quite a bit, having been hiking up Bell Rock during the day. I was a little skeptical that the pain would actually be gone permanently. I thought maybe it was a fluke and I somehow was just having a good day. So I decided to wait and see if the pain would return.

Incredibly, the pain did not return the next day, the next week, or the next month. I was so excited about how well Reiki had worked that I thought, “Wow! I’ve got to learn more about how to do Reiki for myself!” About 1 month after returning to Huntington Beach, I researched where to learn Reiki and I started taking Reiki training classes. I was so enthusiastic about Reiki that I took all 3 levels of Reiki (Levels 1, 2, and Master Teacher), all within 6 months. Most people take years to complete all three levels. I started practicing on all my friends and family. I practiced on anyone who would let me. One time, while I was waiting for an oil change at the Honda dealership, I gave Reiki to a fellow customer sitting in the waiting area. I have been volunteering at a senior center, giving Reiki, for the past 3 years. I have also volunteered giving Reiki to animals at WAGS Pet Adoptions in Westminster and National Cat Protection Society in Newport Beach.

I am now a Certified Reiki Master Teacher, having been practicing Reiki for almost 4 years, professionally for over 2 years. I have since also been trained and certified in Medical Reiki and Oncology Reiki. Medical Reiki helps patients to prepare for surgery, heal during surgery, and recover faster after surgery. Oncology Reiki helps cancer patients going through chemotherapy, radiation, or other cancer treatments to feel less anxiety and pain by putting them into a meditative state so they can help heal themselves. I am part of the Reiki Circle Team at Hoag Hospital’s Cancer Centers in Newport Beach and Irvine, CA giving Reiki to cancer patients going through treatment. I will also soon begin giving Reiki to hospice patients through Optimal Health Services in Long Beach.

My business, Light of Reiki Wellness ( offers Reiki services, classes, and workshops. I see private one-on-one clients in my studio in Huntington Beach, and at the School for Multidimensional Healing Arts & Sciences in Irvine. I conduct Reiki training and attunement workshops, Levels 1 through Master Level. I host weekly Friday Night Reiki Shares at the school where people come together to practice giving Reiki to each other. Also, I offer donation based Community Reiki Clinics twice per month to people needing Reiki who cannot otherwise afford private Reiki sessions.

In the future, I would like to go into surgery with patients to help them heal and have faster recovery times. I would like to teach Reiki to a wider audience, both in person and online. I recently completed training as a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. I am also a Meditation Guide and Life Coach. I hope to incorporate these services into my Reiki practice as well to help people.

Every day, as I practice Reiki, I am becoming more sensitive to the energy, becoming more intuitive and empathic. It has helped me become a more balanced and less anxious person and it has also helped me heal personal relationships. I feel so blessed to have finally found my calling in life. It has been so gratifying to be able to heal myself and help others!

If you have never tried Reiki, give Reiki a try. Experience healing for yourselves. It will completely change your life as it has changed mine.

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
I have been blessed that I have been able to be financially compensated for helping people and doing something that I love. Since I work mostly out of my home for seeing private clients and sometimes renting space for larger classes, whatever income I receive has been enough and I am grateful. The challenge has been trying to educate people about Reiki, what it is and what it can do. Not a lot of people know about Reiki yet, but the word is spreading.

Light of Reiki Wellness Center – what should we know? What do you guys do best? What sets you apart from the competition?
As I mentioned before, I offer private Reiki sessions to clients as well as Reiki training workshops and classes. I seem to attract more clients with anxiety issues than any other issue, possibly because I have been able to work through some of my own anxiety issues with Reiki. People with serious illnesses like cancer will feel a lot of stress and anxiety.

People experiencing emotionally stressful life events like a relationship breakup or needing to process a past traumatic event like a physical assault feel a great deal of anxiety. Also, people who are sensitive to other people’s energies may experience anxiety and stress. Other people who experience great anxiety are those just beginning to open up and feel energy throughout their body which can be frightening when you don’t understand what’s happening. I feel proud that I am able to help calm my clients’ thoughts and fears. I feel that what sets me apart from other Reiki Practitioners are my abilities to listen well to my clients, using my intuition, empathy, and teaching skills to help allay their anxieties.

What is “success” or “successful” for you?
I define my personal success by the number of people I have helped. Although I don’t get to have feedback from every client or student I have had contact with, I often hear from them on how I’ve helped them through online reviews or continued personal contact. I usually end up becoming friends with many of my clients and students.

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