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Life and Work with Morgana Rae

Today we’d like to introduce you to Morgana Rae.

Morgana, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
As a child growing up in Los Angeles, I was prone to ponder the Big Questions of: 1) What are we? 2) What is this universe we live in? and 3) How do we have a better experience while we’re here? This curiosity propelled me first to go to school in Massachusetts to get my degree in World Religion. Then I returned to LA and did my time as an aspiring actress (of course!).

I started coaching in 1996, as a break from the self-obsession of acting. Focusing on helping other people fed my soul. I began professionally coaching other entertainment professionals, and wonderful things started happening within the first few weeks: actors and writers with no credits were booking series regular and staff positions overnight. My first-time director sold his film for half a million dollars. Another actor won an Emmy. My clients called me “magical.” I decided THIS was my path, I quit acting, and I never looked back.

And then I hit my money wall. I had a great reputation as a coach and was getting referrals all the time. I had stellar testimonials. I had my website, my business cards, my tagline, and my millionaire mindset. And it was like I had superhuman powers to repel money. I hit my lowest point in early 2003 when I was barely making $100 a month. Given all I was doing right, I find that level of financial failure impressive!

Nothing worked. I took more and more classes to improve my inner and outer game. Did everything I was told, did it well, and… made even less money on the other side. Nobody else’s systems or solutions worked on me. I had to find my own.

And that’s when I accidentally found my own solution that didn’t look or feel or sound like anything anyone else was doing at the time: approaching relationship as if money were a *person*. I changed my relationship with money from “monster” to “honey” and the next day, 4 people hired me for double the highest amount I had ever charged before.

Clients kept coming. My prices kept getting higher. I ended up creating group programs, self-study programs, exotic retreats in other countries, an international #1 best selling workbook, and I’ve made millions of dollars since changing my money “person” all those years ago.

And now, I have the time and wealth to travel the world getting married 100 times in 100 countries (to the same man). Because I believe the true purpose of money, and human life, is to serve Love, Lifestyle, and Legacy.

My motto, and you’ll see it on my website, is “Make more money by putting LOVE first.”

Has it been a smooth road?
Ha! Smooth? Is there such a thing?

Success without failure is called luck. It’s bullshit. It doesn’t teach you what you need to learn to replicate it. You’ll get better results over the long term through trial and error.

Life is about waves–expansion and contraction, highs and lows, riding the waves and finding the treasure in all of it.

My work mirrors the extremes. There is no magic in neutrality. I call my signature process Financial Alchemy®. Alchemy is the art of transmuting leaden human experience — the worst of the worst — into spiritual and material gold. It would be such a waste to have gone through hell and not get to milk it for every gift it can give you, right?

Life is hard for young women, and even more so because our media doesn’t adequately acknowledge rape culture and the pressures on women to be all things for everybody else… with almost no permission to draw outside the lines. When I was growing up, I was under the impression that youth and beauty were the good years, and age was something to dread. Not true!!!

A woman becomes wealthy, powerful, happy, and successful in ALL areas of her life to the exact degree to which she masters the ability to say no to everything that doesn’t exalt her. Young women are not raised nor wired for this distinction, but we grow into it over time. Every year we have just a little less patience for bullshit. Life gets so much better and sexier over time, and we don’t even have to be skinny.

One more thing: change happens at the speed of safety. Especially for women. Go at your own pace. If you’re doing everything right and you aren’t seeing the results, odds are you are *unconsciously* protecting yourself from what you want. You aren’t a failure; you’re just very successful at protecting yourself from what you want. It’s like you’re driving with the breaks on. Take the time to uncover what’s in the way. It’s NOT a race. I was a late bloomer, in money and in love. My results turned out way better than I could have ever imagined for myself, and they stick.

So, as you know, we’re impressed with Money Goddess – tell our readers more, for example, what you’re most proud of as a company and what sets you apart from others.
When I landed at the airport in Bali the first time, and I was standing in line to get my tourist visa, another woman in line (from England) asked me, “Are you Morgana Rae? The Money Honey lady?” People ask me that all the time.

If you ask Siri “who’s the world’s leading Relationship with Money coach?” my name comes up first.

I pretend to be a money coach. My clients (mostly female) have made many millions of dollars. I have more success stories that I know what to do with or even bother to post on my site (which has a ton).

Behind my reputation with money is the REAL work I do, addressing our relationship with ourselves and life. All money issues are love issues. Money brings up our deepest anxieties about whether we live in a hostile universe, and whether we deserve to be loved, valued, and even exist.

The happy news is because my focus goes so deep, the results are really dramatic, often shockingly fast. (I have records of clients making 6 and 7 figures hours later.) And the benefits don’t end with money: the same positive transformation shows up in other relationships, especially romantic relationships and (for women) relationships with our bodies. Eating disorders spontaneously go away. Clients fall in love and get married or fall back in love with their spouse. And money is no longer the bad guy that gets in the way of what clients want to have, do or be in the world.

What sets me apart? Results. I perfected my process by working with thousands of clients over decades. I see what works and then I build on that. For example, I noticed that I started seeing more 7 and 8 figure success stories when I started leading Money Goddess retreats in Bali.

Also, my approach is weird. Weird is fabulous. “Your wealth is in your weirdness,” is one of my mantras. Never be afraid to weird out, sisters!

Were there people and/or experiences you had in your childhood that you feel laid the foundation for your success?
As I said earlier, EVERYTHING is useful.

I was hit by a car and thrown into a coma for a week when I was 16. The traumatic head injury damaged my ability to sleep, think, analyze, and remember. The skills I had built my identity around were gone. But an interesting thing happened during that period… as if to compensate for the damaged sector on the left side of my brain (which recovered, yay!), my intuition (right brain activity) blossomed. I started knowing things before they happened, hearing things before they were said. Comes in handy, sometimes.

On a happier note, my grandmother was always an inspiration to me. She danced Firebird for Stravinsky at the Hollywood Bowl. She co-founded the original Renaissance Pleasure Faire in the Hollywood Hills. (I strongly suspect I was conceived at one of those faires.) Her dying advice was “Life is about having experiences. Have lots and lots of experiences!” That’s why I lead my Ultimate Money Goddess Experiences in Bali, and why I’m marrying my husband 100 times in 100 countries.

Contact Info:

Image Credit:

Starla Fortunato, Lindsay Miller

Getting in touch: VoyageLA is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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