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Life and Work with Melanie Marden

Today we’d like to introduce you to Melanie Marden.

Melanie, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
My Mom was my world. Growing up, it was her and I. She loved me more than life itself. She was a fiercely independent powerhouse. A force to be reckoned with really. So, I learned from the best, how to make things happen.

My Dad had left and it was just the two of us and my Grandma & Grandad were around a lot as my Mom worked long hours and often traveled with work. She worked extremely hard to provide for us both and very seldom took any time for herself. I was aware that she was lonely and tired most of the time. I felt for her growing up and sometimes mothered her. I watched her become increasingly less healthy and sadly, less happy. This was troublesome for me. She was a wonderful Mom to me, an incredible assistant to her boss, the president of the company, a thoughtful and attentive daughter to her parents and yet she was nothing for herself. Although it is possible to live this way, I witnessed the consequences of what it does to the human body. My poor Mom became sick with cancer and I lost her very young. This destroyed me for a long time.

A few years later, I made a tribute film to honor my late Mom, titled Timeless. We won awards around the globe and screened the short at the Cannes International Film Festival.

This was cathartic for me and I wanted to raise awareness on brain cancer as it is so commonly misdiagnosed, it was with my Mom, for months. I watched my powerful Mom turn into a fragile skeleton of herself. She took a weak last breathe and passed away in my arms. My hero was gone.

This was ten years ago, and since then, I have lost my Grandma, friends, and boyfriends. Throughout my journey in the world of cancer and speaking with Dr’s and Oncologists, I have learned a lot. The pain of my experiences and my loved ones lost was not in vain, I was now helping my friend who was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. I had been researching treatments 10 years prior and had become very aware of cancer ‘industry’. When my friend was given the same three options for treatment that my own Mother was offered ten years before, something didn’t add up. If we were spending 210 billion dollars on cancer research every year – Why wasn’t there even one more option? $210,000,000,000 spent and not one more option? This question changed my life – forever.

Has it been a smooth road?
I decided to make a movie of everything I had learned and to document what was really happening in the world of cancer. Titled Cure This, my film would explore, interview, research and cover stories of people who had been cured of this impossible disease to cure. Now, I had to figure out financing, development, crew, equipment, and distribution while still being there for my dear friend who was about to embark on the biggest battle of his life. It was Dec. 2017.

I spent probably 4000 hours just researching treatments, legislation, pharmaceuticals, congressmen and women and Dr’s who had claimed to cure the dreaded disease. I spoke to people who were very well informed on the topic. Hunted down witnesses who were in hiding, interviewed Oncology specialists, holistic therapists, met with patients who have been cured, driven miles to talk to experts, filmed court proceedings of a related case, even travelled to another country and filmed undercover in a chemo ward of a hospital all while taking my friend to appt’s and getting him settled at home after chemo sessions.

My greatest take away is one piece of information that I find the most difficult to wrap my head around. If everyone in the world is trying to ‘CURE” cancer, then why is there a law, called the Cancer Act, that states “no one can say they are curing or have cured cancer.’ Seems a bit ridiculous if we are all donating money, research is done at a rate of 210 billion dollars a year all for what? If we find the ‘cure,’ no one can say they did!

Our own President Ronald Reagan didn’t opt for conventional medicine and went to Germany and had his colon cancer CURED. If our own president didn’t want chemo, radiation or surgery, why are they the only options we are given?

I’ve met with Congressman and Presidential Candidate up until a few days ago, Eric Swolwell; to discuss changing this legislation to allow experts or true healers to share their success when patients are being CURED. Looks like I’ll need to be heading to Washington soon.

I believe there is a bridge that needs to be built between conventional medicine and alternative medicine. If we could bring these worlds together and have them helping one another, we would succeed against this epidemic so much faster.

Dr. Sebi is one of those experts who claimed and actually did CURE CANCER. When Nipsey Hussle was killed, the internet broke out in conspiracy that Eric Holder was paid to ‘take out’ Nipsey, as he was getting too close to sharing a documentary he was producing on the famous Dr. Sebi. Whether or not that is true, there seems to be a trend around Dr’s who are using natural treatments to cure disease and then dying. Or even in some cases people trying to loan voices to them, then dying.

The truth has always revealed the result. The result here is the information NEVER gets out. Royal Rife was a brilliant scientist here in California in the 1930s. His incredible work still sits in the Smithsonian. HE built the Universal Microscope. Clearly, a man before his time and smart enough that still honored his scientific work at such a highly regarded establishment. Well, this man also built a gamma-ray machine, later named the RIfe Machine. When approached by medical agencies, he was asked to do human trials as he had been successful in curing rats of cancer, in fact, many diseases. He was given 90 days to cure 16 terminal patients of their cancer and other diseases. HE SUCCEEDED. 100% successful. ALL PATIENTS WERE CURED.

The gamma-ray used resonant frequency. In simple terms, everything in existence has a frequency it can not exist in. He found that frequency for cancer. So, side effects, no risk just results.

When the AMA wanted to buy his science, his denied them saying, ‘it’s not for sale, I want this to be free for everyone who needs it’ That’s when his life was turned upside down. The AMA went after him legally. The case almost bankrupts the introverted scientist. But finally, he won. Sadly, after years of fighting in court, his reputation was tarnished and he committed suicide. Again, the truth is always revealed by the result.

My inspiration for this project is and always has been my Mother. She died from this disease that I believe we could have cured. I don’t want her death to be for no reason. So, let it be me that calls for the truth. I want to get to the bottom of this conundrum of a cure. I have many countries left to visit where amazing technology or simple solutions are having landslide results in comparison to conventional methods in curing cancer. Hyperthermia, which is simply concentrated heat, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and vitamin C done intravenously in high doses, THC and CBD, Dr. Burzynski, in Texas with his infusions of peptides and amino acids are saving lives that conventional medicine just isn’t able to.

This information needs to get out, but that seems to be part of the problem, after interviewing one patient who had been cured of cancer in Germany, like our president, using Laetrile, or simply a vitamin B therapy in conjunction with IV’s, hyperthermia and nutrition, I learned that not one news channel wanted to know her story! WHAT? Not one outlet would take the story of someone who’s cancer was killed. The patient’s husband made a film titled, ‘Cancer Can Be Killed’, it’s worth the watch!

Information is key, especially when someone’s life lays in the balance.
The truth is always revealed in the result, so if someone had cancer and it’s gone, well then someone CURED CANCER!

Please tell us more about what you do, what you are currently focused on and most proud of.
My doc-series is the fire that burns in my soul. I truly believe I can make a difference in the world of cancer by getting the truth out there and sharing what I’ve learned thus far and hope to witness first hand. For more information and our trailer thus far, click the link below. We are also raising money for our next level of funding. Feel free to donate and share a link to help us help anyone with cancer.

As an actress, I am currently filming my next project here in LA, a comedy that is a mocumentary of a documentary. It’s written very clever and is very funny and has a bunch of celebs doing cameos in it. My last project was a controversial music video for rapper TI, where I played the First Lady, Melania Trump.

I own a spa business called HMMSpa (High Maintenance Mobile Spa), an on-demand spa concierge that services the elite in Los Angeles. We just celebrated our 10th birthday. I am lucky to work with beauty experts and wellness gurus who are true healers that exude divine alignment and inner healing.

Here is a lovely article that was recently written of the business:

The spa offers all modalities of massage, energy work, crystal healing, meditation, life coaching, hair, makeup, spray tans, and even eyelashes. 877.870.4667 (HMMS) for delivery at home, on set, at the office or a hotel the best hands in town!

Who have you been inspired by?
My Mom although a tiny woman physically had an incredible presence. She was a force to be reckoned with. When this disease robbed her of her power it crushed me. I did not want anyone to go through what I witnessed. Nor did I want her to die alone, so I made the tribute film to honor her. She was an incredible Mother. She would have done anything for me. It was the least I could do to dedicate a few months of my life to her after; all she had done for me.

After losing my Mom, I cherished my little Grandma even more. We had always been very close growing up but this bonded us even further. It was just her and I left. Although my Grandma was even smaller than my Mom, standing at only 4’9, she was the true matriarch in the family – outliving her husband and both her children. She was the strongest woman I knew.

Losing her was the nail in the coffin for me (literally), I wanted to make a difference. Her death added fuel to my already burning fire! WE had to CURE THIS!

These women overcame everything they went through and kept their heads held high, they carried themselves with elegance and class. Never let on how much pain they’d been through, what adversity they’d endured. So, I too move on – like the warrior women in my lineage I will prevail. As women, we are the goddesses, we have the power, somehow, someway, we always push through. We must stick together, love with all our might and change this world for the better.

You can watch the short film titled ‘Timeless’ (13mins) here:

Contact Info:

  • Website:
  • Phone: 877.870.4667
  • Email: & &
  • Instagram: @officialmelaniemarden & @curethisthemovie @hmmspa
  • Facebook: melaniemarden
  • Twitter: melaniemarden

Image Credit:
David Sobel Photography, Maxim Magazine Italy

Getting in touch: VoyageLA is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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