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Exploring Life & Business with April Diaz

Today we’d like to introduce you to April Diaz.

Hi April, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today.
Let’s start at the beginning, friend. I was raised in a strong fundamentalist, Christian family who loved God but had very explicit beliefs and restrictions about what a woman could be and do with her life.

By the time I was 8 or 9 years old, I realized the world wasn’t built for me. The church I grew up in and the family I was raised in made it abundantly clear – both explicitly and implicitly – that my place as a girl was in the home, taking care of my family’s needs, supporting my husband, and raising babies.

But even as a 3rd grader that did NOT make sense to me. I desired MORE than a husband and a home. By the time I hit middle school I had decided I was going to have not one, not two, but THREE jobs—a lawyer defending the rights of those unjustly accused, owner of a hair salon called “If Looks Could Kill”, and the first female President of the U.S.

As a young girl, even though I didn’t know what the word “leader” meant, I knew I was one. I was the “bossy” one, the ringleader on the playground, the one who went first but had others following. But there was a seemingly impossible gap between who I was and what the world was dictating for me. The story I was being told to write for my life didn’t resonate with the story I sensed God wanted for me.

As a teenager, I was clearly called to pursue local church ministry as a vocation. My gifts of leadership and teaching were called out, affirmed, and encouraged by others. I went to Bible college, graduated with honors, and became a pastor.

For 17 years I served in pastoral leadership at two of the most influential churches in America in roles ranging from intern to youth pastor to executive pastor. I lead hundreds of volunteer teams and countless paid staff, both male and female.

Throughout my 20s I never wanted to make my gender an issue. I worked under the belief that I was to be obedient only to God, even if a man (literally) would not affirm my calling. I hoped as I was faithful in my work that God would change the hearts and minds of men who wouldn’t confirm my calling or view me as an equal partner in leadership.

However, by the time I turned 30 I realized that part of my calling and conviction was to use my voice, experience, and understanding of who I was as an Ezer to proactively open possibilities for women and men. The reality of more women leading wouldn’t accidentally get better. It would require a concerted effort to change. Justice always requires active participation to right wrongs.

While the American, Evangelical church has been formative in my story, it has also been quite hurtful and harmful. Being a woman with strong leadership and teaching gifts was often challenging, lonely, and confusing. At times I was given opportunities to grow and use my gifts, other times I was silenced, marginalized, alone, and minimized. (As a wife to a Puerto Rican and mother to Ethiopian children, the injustices I experienced were only accentuated by embedded racism and sexism in the larger evangelical church.)

I never imagined birthing a company like Ezer + Co., but it absolutely makes sense when I pay attention to the whole story that God’s been writing in my life and leadership.

When Ezer + Co. was born in 2019 it was in response to coaching hundreds of women with stories like mine. After coaching and consulting countless men who’ve been humble and brave enough to say, “help me”, I knew we had plenty of work to do. I’m so grateful for the men I’ve worked with who’ve wanted more equal partnership with women in leadership but were struggling with their old theology, biases, privilege, limiting beliefs, and general lack of know-how.

We’re a coaching company that’s all about activating women to live and lead with wholeness in full partnership with men. Even though the majority of the life of our company has been in a global pandemic that has disproportionately impacted women, we are exploding in growth because women truly do want wholeness. And to stop setting for the bullshit that’s held us back for far too long.

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Ha! Not at all! Our first birthday was the day California went into quarantine from the pandemic. We lost 75-80% of our revenue in the first two weeks. We had no idea how long it would last or how deeply it would impact women’s life and leadership. To be a coaching company in a time when women were trying to survive was beyond challenging.

We had to adjust our business plan, financial model, services, offers, pricing, team, and every other detail multiple times in the last 2+ years.

It’s a miracle we’ve survived! But we survived because we’ve always been customer-centered, generous, and attentive to what women need and want.

The struggle is part mindset and part opportunity to pay attention to what your customers need most.

As you know, we’re big fans of Ezer + Co. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about the brand?
We’re a coaching company for women who want to increase wholeness in life and leadership. We offer 6-month coaching groups to help women achieve what matters most to them. Our coaching groups are expertly designed to increase wholeness across six interconnected dimensions in the company of other Warrior Women.

We are known to create inclusive spaces for women to get transformational results from the inside out. Women surprise themselves with what’s possible when she does the work and focused on a specific goal.

We’re in a historical moment where companies must address women’s equality, racial justice issues, and overall wellness (or wholeness) for their people. Lacking any of these makes a company unable to be competitive, profitable, or genuinely good news in the world. Ezer + Co. is uniquely positioned to address all three critical issues.

We also work with men who are humble and brave enough to say, “help me”. We’re in a moment in time where men are palpably aware of the necessity for equal partnership with women. They know if they don’t have enough positions of authority and power for women they cannot lead into the future. But they are struggling with their old beliefs, biases, privilege, and general lack of know-how.

Do you have any advice for those looking to network or find a mentor?
Learn from historical mentors, read books, listen to podcasts, and watch how people you admire do it. Learn from people you disagree with and our outside your domain.

Beyond that, I’m convinced every leader needs a coach. (I practice what I preach here!) A certified coach can help you figure out what you want for your future and participate in your present reality in a way that’s aligned to get you natural results.


  • Coaching Groups begin at $2000

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