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Conversations with Jay Jennings

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jay Jennings

Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
I started playing the piano when I was 4 years old. I was lucky enough to have an upright piano in the house growing up and I credit most of my musical ability to that. I never took any professional training on piano but I had been playing for years when I started playing the trumpet at age 12 (6th Grade). I was in all the band programs my school had to offer starting from the 6th grade. I am very grateful to have the music education I received from these schools in Texas. After graduating high school I attended the University of North Texas from 2002-2006. I auditioned as a freshman and made the school’s premiere ensemble, The One O’clock Lab Band.
While in school at UNT, Michael League started the band Snarky Puppy and the rest is history. We have won 5 GRAMMY awards and the band still continues to record and tour all over the world. I am known for my work with Snarky Puppy but I have performed and toured with many greats over the years in between Snarky Puppy shows. While living in NYC, I met and played with so many great musicians. I would not trade my NYC experience for anything. I lived there for 9 years.
Upon moving to Los Angeles, CA, my own band the “Yayennings Quartet” was formed in 2017 with Snarky Puppy band mate Bob Reynolds and we have released two full albums. We have toured the US and performed at major jazz festivals across the country. I remain very involved with jazz super group Snarky Puppy as a full time performer, and composer. I love living in LA and watching the musician community grow.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Honestly, I consider my road fairly smooth. There are obstacles that life throws you but we are not special as musicians. Life hits everybody with everything. Anyone who has worked hard for their life, has had bumps in the road along the way. Whether it is physical or mental, the human body will throw you some curve balls. I’m still learning and will always be a student.

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I think my specialty is improvising in a live performance setting. It is what I have always aspired to do as a musician. However, it is unrealistic and naive to think you can ONLY perform live in this industry and be successful. As a trumpet player, you are thrown into every musical situation you can imagine. You must be able to adapt accordingly and blend in. If it is not your show, you must lend support in making the artist feel comfortable on stage. Knowing your roll is important.
I have recorded so many improvised solos over the years for people that I know, and people that I don’t know. I feel like a mini-composer in that way. Whoever is in the control room of the recording studio has faith in you to “do what you do”. Thats a good feeling.
I also have a very in-depth concept of the piano and harmony in general. This puts me ahead of other trumpeters on many levels. I understand what is going on with every instrument on the recording, in real time. I’m not just focused on my part or solo. I can hear and understand what is going on around me rather quickly and I credit that to my deep sense of harmony that I learned from sitting at the piano.

Alright so before we go can you talk to us a bit about how people can work with you, collaborate with you or support you?
I love to collaborate with artists. I usually get hit up on IG for collabs.

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Image Credits
Ashley Randall

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