Today we’d like to introduce you to Lourdes P. Estrada.
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
I am from Guatemala. I am the oldest of four. I come from a family that loves so deeply and we are constantly encouraging each other. My parents left Guatemala to come to California in pursuit of that dream that many Latinos/ immigrants leave their homes for a better future. In High school, I fell in love with Psychology. From that moment on, I knew I wanted to pursue a career in Psychology. The journey has not been easy. I am blessed that God has provided and blessed me with perseverance to continue to move forward. As a mom of three boys I have missed many open nights, baseball games, swim meets, and soccer matches, but the support my husband and my kids give me makes it all worth it. In 2016 after collecting 3,000 hours, and passing my state exam I became a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. I was fortunate to start a small “solo practice.” I have had the best guidance from my mentor and support from my family and friends. In 2018 I was asked to be a clinical supervisor and since then my entire view on my practice has shifted and evolved. New Hope Family Counseling Center became an official group practice early in January 2020. In the midst of a global pandemic, we were able to add new clinicians to our team and expand our services. We have evolved. We have grown. We have continued to provide quality mental health services to our clients who choose us to be a part of their lives. We are not in DTLA, Downey, Hermosa Beach and soon opening a location in Orange County. I am also in the process of completing my Doctoral degree. So get ready for that Doctora title.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
It was not a smooth ride. As a female business entrepreneur in a world new to me, I had so much to learn. I do not come from a family that is financially affluent or wealthy. I did not have any other role models that looked like me who were doing what I was doing. I had to work two jobs to get to where I am now. I had to sacrifice events with my boys. I saw how my mom dedicated an unconditional amount of time to her children, I felt that I was doing something wrong. Others would also ask, “When is it going to be enough?” As a Latina, people would question my competencies and abilities. I chose to not say anything but to JUST SHOW UP FOR ME. To show up for what I believed in. To create a practice that honored my culture and my faith and to provide quality mental health services that saw the individual as a person and not as a diagnosis.
We’ve been impressed with New Hope Family Counseling Center, Professional Corporation, but for folks who might not be as familiar, what can you share with them about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
My group practice name is New Hope Family Counseling Center (NHFCC.) Because our Clients at NHFCC experience “Hope”. HOPE that they will surpass that difficult situation. HOPE that their marriage will be strengthened HOPE that their child will overcome those negative thoughts, HOPE that they are being seen and heard. We are a group practice that provides in-person services to our local community and surrounding areas in Downey, CA. We also provide services across ALL of CALIFORNIA via video sessions. We are an eclectic group that collectively has so much to offer and an array of experts. We primarily specialize in couples counseling. We offer services from Immigration evaluations to court-mandated therapy and life coaching to services for anxiety and depression, we work with children through play therapy or with young adults who are struggling and feeling stuck. We have therapists who practice from a faith-based perspective and we have therapists that work with LBGTQ. We are true believers in that “therapy is not a one size fits all.” We believe in working in collaboration with our clients as a team. Our Motto is “Together we can accomplish more.” We are here to travel this journey with you. Allow us to support you.
Have you learned any interesting or important lessons due to the Covid-19 Crisis?
The lesson I have learned from Covid-19 is to be flexible. To adapt. To remain faithful in the process. I am guilty of wanting “fast results.” Covid-19 taught me to be flexible, to target what’s in front of me, and to ride the wave.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.nhfccenter.com
- Instagram: newhopefamilycounselingcenter
- Facebook: Newhopefamilycounselingcenter
Image Credits
Teresa Flores – Adore the Moments Photography