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Daily Inspiration: Meet Cali Bondad

Today we’d like to introduce you to Cali Bondad.

Hi Cali, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I’m a commercial director and filmmaker based in Los Angeles, CA. Telling stories and directing came instinctually as a kid. At seven years old, I was making films in my living room –my dad on the camcorder and my brothers as “actors” with homemade costumes. I asked for an electric typewriter (it seemed more writerly) and I fashioned together fantastical scripts for these homemade films. The magic of sharing a story, creating a performance, and witnessing people’s reactions brought me so much joy. The exchange that happens in storytelling is an electrifying experience.

As I got older, I graduated from film school, worked at an arts college, and then got my first job at an advertising agency in SF – Mekanism. It took me some time to finally commit and go after my dreams of directing/ filmmaking. There were years when I struggled with my own inferiority complex; I held back from truly putting myself out there as an artist. But, when I started at Mekanism, it felt like the time to fully dive in. I spent four years working tireless hours and proving my worth as a “creative”. I worked my way up from a studio technician (aka “a non-creative”), to an editor cutting broadcast spots, to a director working on a million-dollar commercial. Every step of the way, I relied on my thick skin, my tenacity, my insane work ethic, and the instinctual sensibilities that were innate. Of course, factors like timing, luck, and the influence of mentors really played into it as well! Overall, I needed to prove myself as an artist to others, but I was ultimately proving it to myself.

As of now, I’ve been directing commercials over eight years now and I want to continue pushing the envelope and growing as a filmmaker. I have some narrative scripts in the works and plan on expanding myself in that direction next.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
There are some surf spots that require a long, painful (and barefoot) walk through slippery rocks, beds of sea urchins, slimy kelp, frigid waters, and sharp barnacles before you can even paddle out. I’ve stopped counting the scars on my feet and ankles. But, when you reach that glassy horizon of peeling waves, your head is only in the ‘here-and-now’. It always feels worth it when you reach that breathtaking lineup.

The same goes for my journey as a director. Sometimes it feels like a long, treacherous walk where I’m collecting more scars, but once I’m on set, I’m completely immersed; I remember how much I love what I do and it clicks together with focus and gratitude.

And, real talk. Yes, there have been many challenges along the way. There’s always the challenges that are inherent to film production… which I can pretty much stomach. I once had a Line Producer call me “bulletproof” because of how I handled the major day-to-day production landmines without blinking. After working as a bartender in Chicago, you can handle a lot. It’s the other type of challenge that can ding you up a bit. It’s the times where you’re being questioned on your competence and aptitude when your portfolio of work shows proof of that. It’s when you are spoken to with condescension or treated with patronizing terms that don’t match the same treatment as your male counterparts. It’s when one of your get-to-know-you-questions is “Tell us, how do you handle stress on set?” And I say back, “Like a boss.” These are the challenges that you learn to navigate with more grace each time but they never get easier. It’s still the reality that there are implicit biases towards women directors. With that, it’s important that I’m someone that helps lift others up, that I mentor who I can, and that I create any positive, forward-thinking momentum to finally change the dialog of equity on set. I’m here for that all day.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
Right now, my directing career is focused mainly in commercials –although my goal is to invest in more long-form narrative content. People have said that they’re drawn to my commercial work because of its kinetic energy and pacing. As an editor and a musical person, the rhythm to any piece is highly important to me. It’s something that I feel out in an instinctual way. Every commercial feels like a visual song, basically. I would also describe my work as being very character/ human-focused… I love tapping into the nuance, emotion, and psyche of a character even if it’s for a box of cereal. I really enjoy bringing those layers to the direction (whether it’s imperceptible or not). Lastly, it’s all about finding beauty in each piece. Beauty in the harsh, the mundane, the ugly, the boring, the funny, and the expected. I want each piece to be stunning in its own way.

Alright, so to wrap up, is there anything else you’d like to share with us?
If you’re gonna pick up surfing… you might want to start with a nice, easy, sandy beach first.

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Image Credits
Photos in order: 1. Me surfing at Malibu 2. Georgia Power “Reliability” 3. Muscle Milk “Stronger Everyday” 4. NBA Pelicans Opener Video 5. AT&T “Write My Story” 6. Amazon “Build Your World” 7. Sparklight “The Sound of Sparklight” 8. Amazon “Build Your World” All of the thumbnails are of commercials I directed (other than the pic of me surfing).

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