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Daily Inspiration: Meet Lara Jean Mummert

Today we’d like to introduce you to Lara Jean Mummert. 

Hi Lara, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
How I started, honestly, by taking criticism and running with it. Ever since I was little, I had thick skin. When my teachers and mentors told me “That’s horrible, do it again”, or I was “too fat”, “too short”, “thatcher”, “weak”, etc. I just wanted to prove to them even more that this world is for me, and I was meant for it. I worked my butt off. I was the one that came in early to rehearsal and stayed late. I would practice for hours until my feet would bleed, literally. 

I was dedicated to the arts. Always training. Missing school dances. Never dating. I even graduated high school early and missed Prom just to be on tour as a dance assistant to Choreographer/Dancer Brian Friedman. I admired him so much and watched him in every Britney Spears video and Britney Concert growing up, so when I got asked to work with him, that was a dream come true. 

Soon after that, I found myself being accepted into the Prestigeous Purchase Conservatory in New York on a performer scholarship and was over the moon!!! I mean, I was, flying over 2,500 miles away from home to train with some of the best. I never imagined I would be 1 of only 30 around the world to be accepted. I found myself rehearsing in amazing spaces used by some of the best, Balanchine, Baryshnikov, Gregory Hines, to name a few. I was also around so many amazing mentors and friends including Mia Michaels Sonya Tayeh, Anthony Rapp, Paris Hilton, and more! I was in heaven every day and I couldn’t believe it, 

Upon graduating with a BFA, I landed a job choreographing for an event at the metropolitan opera house for Alexander Mcqueen and performing with Anthony Rapp in a new stage play at the time, called Nobody Suspects a Butterfly directed by Christine Henry. What an amazing experience this all was. And, Anthony Rapp, wow, what an amazing actor to be around. So humble and welcoming. He really inspired me to dive more into acting, he even let me teach him a few dance moves at the time. 

Soon after that, I landed a role backup dancing for Bruce Springsteen, and I was over the moon. Again, I was lucky, everyone working together to make a fabulous show, so humble and welcoming. It was then I realized, be yourself, love what you do, and you will be rewarded. 

Upon my return, taking in my acting inspiration from Anthony Rapp, I auditioned for Sesame Street Live, I wasn’t sure at first if I got in. I waited over 3 months, then boom, a phone call, I got the role of Elmo! So, I set off on tour to perform as Elmo for Sesame Street Live. We did over 750 shows! What a time we had! I counted my blessings every. After tour ended, I made my way towards film life and worked as an actor/dancer for college humor, and a choreographer for the award-winning Humanitarian Director, Indrani Pal-Chaudhuri. From there I opened my heart to film and writing and started on my next adventure. Which lead me to California. 

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
Of course, for all of us, life is never smooth. We get beat down just to get back up and do it all over again. My family lost everything when I moved to California, due to a family illness, and when that happened, life became harder for all of us. I moved into the hospital waiting room for 5 months to help take care of my father. During this time, I was also struggling with opening up to my friends and family about my sexuality and discovering myself. It wasn’t easy, and when my dad finally woke up from his long nap, we had to sell everything and start over. But the one thing that kept all of us together was Love, and I finally felt like I could be myself for the first time in my life. 

Shout out to all my friends that have been there with my family through it all! I love you!!! And shout out to my amazing father Phil Mummert, who still, to this day, can play the heck out of a Bass Guitar! Any instrument really. See his band play anytime in California, Across Party Lines. Love you, Dad! You’re my Hero! 

I have met so many amazing people during my journey over here but have lost loved ones along the way. It has been a rollercoaster of sorts, but I never let that steer me away from doing what I love and being around people that make me smile. It is those who I have lost, and loved, that push me to not give up, to work harder than I ever have before, to share my love for art and the world that surrounds it. 

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
My journey has now taken me to new places and new heights. I feel so lucky to finally be accepted into a world that takes most people a lifetime to break into. 

Being a huge fan of the horror genre, I had to break into the horror film industry, so I started Acting and Producing in Independent horror films. SPACE, ANOMALY, SERENA WAITS, 2 JENNIFER, TRUST ISSUES, LILITH, are just a few of the ongoing list, 

Not only have these films won me multiple best actor awards, but you can also now see all those films on Shudder, Tubi, Hulu, Apple TV, PlayStation TV and more! 

One film I am very excited to be a part of is TERRA BELLA, A horror drama directed by Hunter Johnson. I had the privilege of playing the role of Lily. She pushed me and challenged me in more ways than one. This film will be releasing in 2023, so definitely keep a look out for that one! 

To add to the mix, I have also won multiple choreography awards, and for the Halloween Season, you can see my Choreography in the stunt show “Nytewalkers” at King’s Island (Cedar Fair) Ohio! performed by All Wheels Sports (seen on America’s Got Talent) and directed by Jill Schulz. 

My next big venture is writing. Thanks to performing I would have never met my writing partner and Illustrator, Ari Llamas. We just clicked from day one and soon you will be able to follow the lives of Elliot and Maddison in ELLIOT KILLZ our first-ever Horror Comedy Comic book series with LGBT+ representation, set in the 1980s. 

Follow @ElliotKillz on Instagram, and be a part of our journey, 

I feel that being versatile is key to setting yourself apart from others. Willing to take those leaps into other ventures, into a different way of discovering yourself as an artist. It’s very scary, but wow is it satisfying. Each day is a risk and I love it. I have never felt so at home with my career until now. Who else can say they are a published author, award-winning choreographer, and award-winning actor? I wouldn’t have it any other way. All those challenges brought me to this point in life, and I’m ready to keep going! Bring it! 

We’d be interested to hear your thoughts on luck and what role, if any, you feel it’s played for you.
Luck has a lot to do with it, but you better be ready to show what you got. I messed up a lot of opportunities when I was younger because I wasn’t ready in the right moment. The more confident I got, the more jobs I willed to the table. Confidence is key in those lucky moments. I wish I had this much confidence at 19. I’m now not afraid to whip out a performance for you in the middle of the street. I know my worth and I’m not afraid to show what I got. I have found who I am and who I want to be, and this confidence has definitely helped me gain respect among my peers and colleagues. I am also not afraid to keep learning and growing, so I can always be on top of my game. Don’t ever stop asking questions and stay on your toes. It will help you keep a clear mind and focus when you are given those moments of luck. 


  • Elliot Killz Signed Poster 10$
  • Signed movie DVD 10$
  • Choreography – Email for Price

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Image Credits

Ari Llamas
Genevieve Parker
Monte Light
Andretti Dante

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