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Meet Silas Ruesler

Today we’d like to introduce you to Silas Ruesler.

Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
I started collaging and seriously thinking about art as a means of self-medication in high school. I’ve always known making was something I was passionate about, but never took myself seriously or valued my own ideas. I ended up pressured into pursuing a biology degree but soon dropped out of school and took some time to re-prioritize. I finally realized I don’t care about having a traditional career or following a certain path, I just want to learn and do what I’m passionate about. I went back to school and got my B.F.A., and I met some amazing people along the way that continuously inspire me to keep pursuing what makes me feel good: art.

Now, I’m dealing with being a post-graduate in an ongoing pandemic and haven’t quite found my place yet. I work as a bartender to keep afloat and put all of my spare time towards making things. I’m going through a period of time where I’m focusing on falling in love with making again; whether it’s rugs, beads, or conceptual pieces, creating things fulfills me. I’m trying not to put too much stress on having a traditional art career and focusing more on what I can do for myself and my own creativity. It’s hard to think about bringing other people into my creative process sometimes, so I just want to get my ideas out of my head and see where that goes. I’m a recent art school graduate, so it’s freeing to make art that doesn’t have to be viewed or critiqued. I’m making things for myself first and then releasing it into the world.

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
Most of my obstacles have been related to taking care of my basic needs while also sustaining my creative drive. It’s really difficult to work full time and then come home and try to make art. Unfortunately, most creatives have to deal with this. I have a really hard time balancing my jobs and my actual passion. Especially because of the pandemic, I find it hard to even pay bills, let alone find time and energy to put towards my art. Finding a consistent flow and balance is difficult, I don’t think I’ve found it yet. As someone who struggles with depression, I find myself basing my self-worth on my creativity and output. If I’m not making anything, I feel worthless. This is something I know a lot of people struggle with and I’m trying to get myself out of. You can’t base your worth on what you give. When I make art, it’s kind of for me, but I also make it thinking of every single person it could resonate with. And that’s what keeps me going. Any artist can be easily swept up into the fear of the audience and desire to make something worthwhile. But as long as I’m making things and keeping my brain active, I can be happy. It’s remembering that art serves myself and my community first, and it doesn’t matter if it’s in a gallery or receives recognition, just that it’s doing something for me and people that interact with it.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I’m a sculptor, collagist, and performance artist. I make art revolving around the body and decentering our physical selves from our identities. I work with my own body and abstract it in hopes it can remind myself and others that we are so much more than our bodies and the implications placed on them. My sculptural work dissects my physical self and reimagines it outside of the bounds of gender, creating an imagined version of myself that exists outside of reality. My performance work focuses on providing environments to connect with participants, often highlighting our collective experiences under capitalism and encouraging primal vulnerability. I’m really proud of the opportunities I’ve had to reach people and impact the way they think; whether that’s showcasing a relatable experience for other queer people or just providing a space for anyone to be vulnerable. I find my favorite pieces revolving around creating intimate spaces for my audience. I think experiencing art can often be overwhelming and one-sided and I like to think I create art that can be engaged with by any person. I want to have a conversation with people who view my art and make a connection with my audience, even if I’m not there.

Before we go, is there anything else you can share with us?
This is my advice for myself and for readers; whatever you do, don’t stop doing what you care about. We have to survive, but at the same time, remember why. Remember why you do the things you do and keep doing them.

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