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Meet Cameron Wright

Today we’d like to introduce you to Cameron Wright.

Cameron, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
I started singing probably before I could talk. Coming from a musical family, I’ve always been extremely musical. I started singing around the country with my mom at five years old. It started out in church, then onto larger stages probably by age 7 (at the time, my mom was touring).

By the time I was 10, I was a full-fledged professional singer based in the Twin Cities. I started performing at NFL/MLB games in Minneapolis, then later recorded a demo when I was 12. That cd ( which consisted of me singing “Greatest Love of All” & “What A Wonderful World”) got into the hands of Stevie Wonder. He flew me and my mom to L.A. and featured me as a special guest at his annual House of Toys event.

I continued singing and traveling around the country until my 20’s and finally moved to L.A. Once I got here, doors just started opening out of the clear blue sky. I got hired by the rock band, The 1975, as a backing vocalist for some promo dates; I was contracted to do major vocal sessions and shows; then was found and managed shortly by American Idol’s Randy Jackson.

In 2018, I received a call about providing vocals for Beyoncé’s Coachella performances and also provided studio vocals for the album that was birthed from that show.

I’m currently preparing to release my new EP late summer/early fall 2020!

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
Definitely not smooth. The subconscious mind was probably my greatest enemy. Sometimes doubt, fear and other things that we have the ability to control would definitely show up. But one thing that has remained clear is that I’m doing exactly what I was created to do because the doors keep opening…and they keep getting bigger!

Can you give our readers some background on your music?
My business is singing. What sets me apart is the innate and otherworldly gift that was definitely given by God.

What is “success” or “successful” for you?
I believe success is when you are doing exactly what you love, how you love. There is no criteria. There is no finish line. It’s individually based and can only be defined by each person’s own happiness.

Now, there are things systemically get in the way of finding success for some demographics. The way certain people are socialized, racism, sexism, lack of resources, etc.

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