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Conversations with the Inspiring Cassie Hunter

Today we’d like to introduce you to Cassie Hunter.

Cassie, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
I’m a photographer, art director, and cinematographer from Lafayette, Louisiana.

I took up photography in high school just taking photos of random things I thought were interesting, mainly weird textures and nice lighting. In 2014 I briefly moved to LA from New Orleans and decided I wanted to try to make a living doing photography. I got lucky and found me a job as a traveling portrait photographer. The studio I worked for would send me to universities all around the country and put me up in hotels. It was great timing because I was super broke I couldn’t really afford living in LA so I moved out my apartment, put all my shit in a tiny storage locker and just lived in the hotels and my car driving all over the country for two years. In those two years I photographed about 10,000 people and traveled to all 50 states. It was a real good time but I needed to start taking my career more seriously so in 2017 I decided to move back to LA. I started making my sets for my photography more elaborate and that’s what led me to art direction. I did one set in my boyfriend’s garage that I turned it into a jungle with practically no money. I basically stole a shit ton of huge plant trimmings out of peoples yards late the night before. But, it was that set that started me getting art department jobs. I started working with a friend, Zoe-Zoe Sheen as her assistant and then we started working with my friend John Richoux who started Nomad Art & Design, one of the top production designers in LA.

Has it been a smooth road?
Haha, nah! For a while I was working a lot on my own stuff, not making any money and felt like I was getting nowhere. But what helped was, I found a job at an institute in the photography department. They allow their part-timers to have a very flexible schedule and eventually, if you work with them long enough, you can rent their equipment for practically free. So, that helped me to take random, last-minute freelance gigs and have access to equipment I normally wouldn’t have.

Please tell us more about what you do, what you are currently focused on and most proud of.
Currently, I mostly do art direction/art department stuff for music videos but I still take photography and cinematography gigs. When I have the time, I’m trying to focus on upping my cinematography game.

I’m just proud that I can pay my bills doing fun, creative shit!! Super grateful for that, feels like a dream.

Who do you look up to? How have they inspired you?
My slightly older, much wiser sister, Ashley Tellez, because she is a gangster angel guardian who endlessly fights for the well being of the people who are forgotten and for the future of our planet. She inspires me to work hard, be grounded and kind.

My friend, Garrett Bradley, because she tells the stories that need to be heard the most and does so beautifully. She reminds me to to check in with my intentions and follow my gut.

Contact Info:

Image Credit:
Brat Agency (the one that has logo Brat in the bottom corner)

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