Today we’d like to introduce you to Jess Kovic.
Jess, we’d love to hear your story and how you got to where you are today both personally and as an artist.
I’ve always gravitated towards the arts. As a kid, I would try to replicate the art on my Lisa Frank trapper keeper. I loved disposable cameras and fantasized about being a photographer for a magazine, but I categorized those interests as hobbies. I decided early on that I didn’t want to be a starving artist. At the time, I didn’t think there was any other way to pursue a career in art except to be starving for money, attention or other luxuries. I wanted to live comfortably, and I thought that meant a more straight forward career. At community college, I declared “undecided” as a major while I worked on my Gen Ed courses. I figured at least I wouldn’t be wasting time. After two years I panicked trying to decide what I wanted to do with my life. I talked to guidance counselors, took personally tests and attended college fairs hoping to figure it out. I didn’t set out looking for an art/photography school, but I think that my inner desire was so strong that I couldn’t avoid it. I enrolled in the now-defunct Brooks Institute majoring in Graphic Design. To be honest, I didn’t even really understand fully what graphic design was when I started. I wanted to be an Art Director (primarily on set for photo shoots), and graphic design seemed to be the entry step. Looking back I’m so glad I took that path. It allowed me to learn the programs that have now become essential in almost any creative career. I gained a broad understanding of photography, illustration, and design which perfectly suited my indecisive nature. However indecisive, I am still proactive. I interned through college, most notably at Tiger Beat/Bop magazine which lead to my first job out of school.
I started working at Disney as a photo researcher the day after I graduated. In the five years I was there I was able to flex my creative range in photography, video, and design. I was ultimately laid off along with most of the division. While frantically applying to job postings, I started a freelance business called Sugar Bunch. I set out to provide floral design and/or photography for weddings. This was just after my own wedding where I did our flowers and thought why not monetize on this skill while I have the time. After a handful of weddings, I ended up landing a job as an agency Art Buyer which lead me down a path more focused on production. Sugar Bunch was placed on the back burner. After 3+ years I grew restless in roles that didn’t empower me to be creative but ushered me into more clerical tasks. I turned back to Sugar Bunch, but this time focused on the floral design aspect. I went all in, determined to make this iteration successful. However, I found that being a florist especially starting out on your own was a lot of work. Of course, I expected work, but not the amount of physical work that it required. I also found that as I got older, I started to feel disenchanted with the wedding industry. I didn’t like how much stress I put on myself and this one “perfect” day. I still think weddings can be wonderful, but I had immersed myself so much that each one felt more like the last and I needed to step away. Around the same time, I was laid off. Again. Again forced onto a new path and this time I wanted my next move to be something more hands-on creatively. I freelanced as a designer who gave me the time and confidence to pursue my personal work. I started to create things that I liked with little to no direction from others. It was pretty liberating coming from corporate America.
With so many online tools available to showcase art these days, I was able to rebrand Sugar Bunch as an online art boutique featuring my designs on apparel and art prints. My husband works for a media company that puts on annual conventions which gave me the idea and connections to start exhibiting in person. A year and a half later I’m gradually gaining steam for my little design business. I love being able to freely create what feels right to me and seeing the real-time progress of a business I started. As fate would have it, I ended up getting another role at Disney at that time. I now feel like I’ve created the balance of self-fulfillment with Sugar Bunch to excel in and even enjoy my “day job.” I tend to mix up my creative endeavors, so I’m not sure what the next iteration of myself or Sugar Bunch will be, but I’m excited for that growth as an artist.
We’d love to hear more about your art. What do you do you do and why and what do you hope others will take away from your work?
I consider myself a photographer, designer and self-proclaimed fly girl. My background and interests within media have been so varied. I find it hard to identify with one thing. With my work, I’m able to express myself through all of these mediums. I create digital designs and illustrations with design software programs like Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and Affinity Designer with the iPad Pro and Apple Pencil. My designs are for the most part graphic and clean in style. I have learned that designing for apparel calls for a bit more simplicity in regard to printing and my personal preference. Designs that aren’t intended for apparel sometimes go in a more detailed style with more shading and intricacies. I’m inspired by pop culture, space, food and my cats. A lot of my concepts are developed from wordplay and puns. The subject of the design is personal for me in the sense of what I’m focused on at the time. I’m currently learning to play the piano and taking vocal lessons, so I was inspired to create designs that reference music in some way. For example, a skull with headphones called “Tone Death.” The best part of having my own creative business is applying all of my skills to promote the designs and brand. When I create a design or collection, I will do a themed photo shoot. I get to art direct the whole concept, shoot and sometimes model which makes me feel like a badass. The feeling I most want to convey with the designs and corresponding images is self-expression. I’ve struggled to express myself in the past, verbally at least. I want the designs, photography, and apparel to do the talking. I want to instill confidence and embrace uniqueness in myself and others. That’s where the fly girl part comes in. It’s almost an alter ego that serves as a reminder of these qualities and to have fun with fashion/style. I love meeting someone and hearing their excitement over a design as they proclaim “that’s some!”
How can artists connect with other artists?
This is something I’m still learning how to do. I tend not to ask for help or feedback out of fear of judgment or rejection, but the more I take the leap to connect with other artists the easier it becomes. It’s so valuable to connect with like-minded people to share advice, resources, and support.
If anyone understands or can appreciate how vulnerable it is to share a part of yourself in your creation, it’s another artist. Social media is a great place to start, just asking a question on a post can start that connection. Asking questions in general. Take people up on an offer to get a drink or coffee or come out to an event. You never know!
Do you have any events or exhibitions coming up? Where would one go to see more of your work? How can people support you and your artwork?
You can see my work on the Sugar Bunch store site or my personal portfolio site. The best way to keep up with in-person events and exhibitions is to follow on social media. I am very active on Instagram spanning over my personal account (@jess_kovic) where I post my travel adventures, cats and personal photography, the store account (@sugar_bunch) where you’ll see mood imagery, event photos and products or you can follow my design portfolio account (@jesskovicdesigns) which features solely my designs. I love to engage with enthusiasts and the community. DMs open 🙂
If you’re so inclined and one of my products speak to you, you can certainly make a purchase from the online store! And don’t forget to post a pic so I can see you sport the goods!
Contact Info:
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Image Credit:
Jess Kovic, Miranda Alongi, Emmy Arce
Getting in touch: VoyageLA is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.